What is composed of the brain and spinal cord?
Central Nervous System (CNS)
What fluid protects the brain by preventing contact with the skull?
Cerebrospinal fluid
What is the Frontal lobe in charge of?
Voluntary movement, reasoning, memory, planning, verbal communication
What does the Corpus Callosum do?
Bundle of nerves connecting right and left hemisphere of brain
What does the spinal cord extend from?
Medulla oblangata to the lumbar vertebrae
What is comprised of all nerves not in the brain and spinal cord?
Peripheral Nervous System
What are the three layers of connective tissue called?
Dura matter, Arachnoid matter, Pia matter
What is the Parietal lobe in charge of?
What does the Thalamus do?
Relays sensory impulses to cerebral cortex for processing and sorting
What is covered by for protection?
What are the two divisions of the PNS?
Sensory (Afferent) Division, Motor (Efferent) Division
Where is the CSF produced?
What is the Temporal lobe in charge of?
Memory, word comprehension/pronunciation, sensation of smell/sound, emotional association of memories
What does the Spinal cord do?
Relays impulses from PNS to brain
Cross section=the butterfly of?
Gray matter which is surrounded by white matter
What are the two systems under the Efferent division?
Somatic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System
CSF is constantly being what?
Produced, Circulated, and Reabsorbed
What is the Cerebellum in charge of?
Graceful and efficient movement, aids in involuntary movement and muscle memory
Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands do what?
Hypothalamus- controls pituitary glands
Pituitary glands- regulates sleep, body temperature, hunger, thirst, body volume
Together, dorsal and ventral roots are?
Two directional spinal nerve
(31 pairs of spinal nerves extend from spinal cord)
What are the two divisions under the Autonomic Nervous System?
Sympathetic division, Parasympathetic
Clusters of capillaries in the ventricles are called?
Choroid plexuses
What does the Occipital lobe and Brain Stem do?
Occipital- visual processing
Brain stem- involuntary activities
Mudulla Oblongata?
Midbrain- relays info to cerebrum, controls body movement and posture
Pons- links cerebral cortex and cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata- trasmits impulses b/w brain and spinal cord, cnotrols heart rate, blood pressure, swallowing, and coughing
The Reflex Arc invloves?
Receptor, sensory neurons, integrations, motor neurons, effector