Which area of science involves the study of the organs and systems of the body?
What is anatomy
Which muscle is used when nodding yes or no?
What is sternocledomastoideus
Substances of acid or alkaline nature dissolve in water and/or contain:
What is water
A substance that is able to dissolve another substance is called a(n)?
What is solvent
Virucidals are disinfectants used to kill:
What is viruses
The point at which two or more bones are joined together is called a:
What is joint
Which muscle straightens the fingers and wrist?
What is extensor
A solution that has more positive hydrogen ions than negative hydroxide ions is:
What is acidic
The instructions on a product states to shake well before use, which indicates the product is a(n)?
What is suspension
The regulating agency under the Department of Labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is:
The bone located on the little-finger side of the lower arm is the:
What is ulna
When a salon preforms a massage treatment, what system is directly influenced and stimulated?
What is circulatory
Distilled water with a pH of 7 is considered?
What is neutral
The primary ingredient ins shampoo is?
What is deionized water
All tools must be throughly cleaned before:
What is immersing
The outer and narrower of the 2 lower bones, extending from the knee to the ankle is the:
What is fibula
Which nerves carry messages from the brain to the muscles?
What is efferent
A pH of 5 is how many more times acidic than a pH of 6?
What is 10
Mixture of organic substances and a medicinal agent are:
What is ointments
Why is it important to add disinfectant to the water when diluting a concentrate?
What is prevents foaming
The epicranius is formed by two muscles called the frontal and the:
What is occipitalis
The primary motor nerves of the face is:
What is facial nerve
What is 4.5 to 5.5
What is the name given to purifying water by passing it through a porous substance?
What is filtration
What is as directed by manufacturers