The closing of the semilunar valves and the end of ventricular systole
what is the dub sound?
B-cells, T-cells, NK cells
What are lymphocytes?
Histology of the digestive tract
what are mucosa (innermost), submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa (outermost)?
This is the uppermost portion of the pharynx
What is the nasopharynx?
The three types of papillae
what are filiform papillae, fungiform papillae, and circumvallate papillae?
The heart's pacemaker
lymph from intestines
what is chyle?
Layers of the digestive organs
what are the parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, and visceral peritoneum?
Functions of the respiratory system
Steps of electrocardiogram
bonus if you can describe what they do as well
What are p-wave, pr interval, qrs complex, st segment, and t wave?
pointed inferior end of the heart
What is the apex?
Marcophages, plasma cells, leukocytes, and lymphocytes
what are free cells?
Muscles that are NOT attached to the bone and change tongue shape
what are intrinsic muscles?
Route of the air to lungs
oral & nasal cavities > pharynx > larynx > trachea > bronchial tree
what are tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, vital capacity, residual volume, and total lung capacity?
the layers of the heart
(in order outer to inner)
What is the fibrous pericardium, serous pericardium (parietal & visceral), epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium?
What are the three types of nodule?
Mucosa, Gut, Bronchus
The four regions of the stomach
area between the lungs
what is Mediastinum?
The three respiratory centers in the brain
what are rhythmicity area, apneustic area, and pneumotaxix area?
Blood Flow
I'm sure you got it lol
Functions of the spleen
What are filters blood, destruction of old RBCs, hematopoietic organ, blood reservoir, and defense?
The flow of digestion
what is ingestion > mastication > deglutition > digestion (mechanical and chemical) > absorption > peristalsis > defecation?
Cells comprising alveoli
What are type 1 pneumocytes, type 2 pneumocytes, and macrophages?
Functions of lymph nodes
what are nonspecific filtration of lymph, phagocytosis, ab production via plasma cells, and production and recirculation of lymphocytes?