What is a tissue?
A group or mass of similar cells working together to perform common functions
Simple Squamous function
Diffusion and flitration
What is connective tissues made of?
made up of ground substance and fibers
Superior is the…
top of the body
anatomy is the…
study of structure
What covers all body surfaces inside and out?
Simple Cubodial functions
Secretion and absorption
The three cells of connective tissues
mast cells, macrophages, fibroblasts
Inferior is the…
bottom of the body
Physiology is the…
Study of funtion
Functiona of epitheial tissue
Protection, secretion, absorption, etc
Where are Simple Columnar tissues found?
digestive tract and uterus
Main types of fiber
Collangeous and Elastic
Anterior is the…
Front of the body
Bodys ability to maintain a stable internal environment
Four types of tissues
Connective, epithelial, muscle, and nervous
Where is stratified squamous found?
body cavities (skin and mouth)
What does Areolar tissue do?
Binds underlying organs to skin and each other
Posterior is the…
back of the body
Anatomical position
Body standing up, faced forward, upper limbs to the side, palms facing forward
How are tissues discribed?
their name
Location of pseudo stratified columnar
lining air passages and tubes of the reproductive system
Adipose tissue function
Stores energy and insulation to preserve body heat
Medial is the…
the midline of the body
The three body sections
Saggital, transverse, and frontal sections