toward the head end or upper part of a structure; above
(directional term)
What is superior
The femur is what type of bone
what is a long bone
Where is the deltoid m. located
distal of the shoulder and proximal to the elbow
Where is the primary sensory cortex
what is the post central gyrus
How many chambers does the heart have
What is 4
Farther from the point of origin
(directional term)
What bone is on the side of your head near your ear?
What is the temporal bone
The tensor fascia latae m. is located where?
the lateral side of the upper thigh/hip
What seperates the pre and post central gyrus
what is the central sulcus
What are the types of white blood cells
what is neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil
what is the wrist
how many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine
what is 12
The action of the temporalis m.
what is Vagus n.
Do arteries carry blood to or away from the heart
back of the knee
what is the radius
The action of the sternocleidomastoid m. is
flexion of neck, rotate head toward shoulder on opposite side
What is the Abducens
do veins carry blood to or away from the heart
What is towards the heart
The crural is ____ to the coxal region
what is distal
the carpal bones
what is the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium
The action of the semitendinosus m. and semimembranosus m.
Extends thigh, flexes leg
What are the cranial nerve functions
CNI: sensory
CNII: sensory
CNIII: motor
CNV: both sensory and motor
CNVI: motor
CNVII: both sensory and. motor
CNVIII: Sensory
CNIX: both sensory and motor
CNX: both sensory and motor
CNXI: motor
What is the order of blood through the pulmonary circuit
what is the right atrium->Tricuspid valve-> right ventricle->pulmonary valve-> pulmonary trunk->pulmonary arteries-> lungs->pulmonary veins->then to the left side of the heart