Basic unit of life.
What is a cell?
Forms the top of the head - forehead.
What is the frontal bone?
More than 500 large and small in the body - make up 40% of the body's weight.
What are muscles?
In front of.
What is anterior?
Framework of the body.
What is the skeletal system?
Filter out toxic substances like bacteria.
What are glands?
Perform specific body functions, control vision, circulation, supply blood with oxygen, digestion, waste control and protection.
What are organs?
Forms the back of the skull - above the nape area.
What is the occipital bone?
Located between the eyebrows; draws eyebrows inward and downward. Causes frown lines.
What is the corrugator muscle?
Located above or is larger.
What is superioris?
Sends and receives messages.
What is the nervous system?
Colorless liquid; byproduct of plasma passing nourishment to capillaries and cells.
What is lymph?
Circulates nourishment.
What is blood?
2 bones - the upper cheek, bottom of eye sockets.
What are the zygomatic bones?
Circles the eye socket and closes the lid.
What is the orbicularis oculi?
What is contraction?
Controls the sebaceous (oil) and sudoriferous (sweat) glands.
Sticky, salty fluid that circulates to carry nourishment and oxygen to body parts and carries toxins and waste products to liver and kidneys.
What is blood?
Protects the heart and lungs.
What is the thorax?
Chest - bony cage composed of thoracic vertebrae, sternum and 12 ribs; protects organs.
What is the thorax?
Flat triangular muscle covering the upper and back part of the neck and shoulders.
What is the trapezius?
Opens, enlarges or expands.
What is dilator?
Eliminates waste.
Thin-walled, branching vessels, carry blood from capillaries with cup-like valves to prevent back flow. Carries impure blood.
What are veins?
Perform vital body functions; framework, movement, circulation, carry messages, supply food, eliminate waste, control breathing and control growth.
What are systems?
14 bones that from digits or fingers have 3 and thumbs have 2.
What are the phalanges?
Mid-forearm, inside of arm - bends wrist and closes fingers. not adductor!
What is the flexor muscle?
Respond automatically to control body functions including those of internal organs.
What is non-Striated muscle?
Circulates blood.
What is the circulatory system?
Study of the function s of organs and systems.
What is physiology?