The study of the tiny structures found in living tissue, that is microscopic anatomy
The head contains how many bones, the face contains how many bones
22 head, 14 face
Muscles that coordinate in opening and closing the mouth are sometimes referred to as chewing muscles
Masseter temporalis
The largest of the cranial nerves
fifth cranial nerve
the skin is the thickest on these two parts of the body
palms of the hands and soles of the feet
A colorless jelly like substance in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral shafts, and water are present.
The hindmost bone of the skull, it forms the back of the skull above the nape
Occipital bone
The ring muscle of the eye socket, closest the eye
orbicularis oculi
the primary structural unit of the nervous system
the pigment that protects us from the sun
The process when two cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells
The smallest most fragile bones of the face, situated at the front inside part of the eye socket
Two lacrimal bones
the thin flat muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower jaw that compress the cheeks and expels air between the lips as in when blowing a whistle
the chief motor nerve of the face. it emerges near the lower part of the ear and extends to the muscles of the neck.
7th (facial) cranial nerve
muscle that causes goose bumps that is attached to the hair follicle
arrector pili
The dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell
The u-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles
hyoid bone
the muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin
sensory-motor nerve that with its branches, supplies the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand
radial nerve
the outer most layer of the skin, bonus points for all the layers
epidermis : stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum germinativum
The phase of metabolism in which complex compounds within the cells are broken down into smaller ones. This process releases energy that is stored by special molecules to be used in muscle contractions, body secretions, or heat production.
Joins all the bones of the cranium together
sphenoid bone
The only muscle that is attached to the nose, lowers the eyebrows and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose
affects the muscles of the mouth
buccal nerve
cells that aid in the production of elastin