Hazel's female servant
"At least George’s memory didn’t hover thick as smoke in Almont House"
Hawthornden Castle
Body snatchers were called this
“Do not play games with your future. It permits the possibility of losing.”
Lady Sinnett
How are Hazel and Bernard related?
They are cousins
"Body snatchers were a vital organ of the living city itself."
The book written by Dr. Beecham was called
Dr. Beecham's Treatise on Anatomy, or the Prevention and Cure of Modern Diseases
Edinburgh is in what country?
"Someone should tell you you’re beautiful on Wednesdays. And at teatime. Someone should tell you you’re beautiful on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve and the evening before Christmas Eve, and on Easter."
At the beginning of the novel, Jack is in love with this person
"She had dressed herself like a soldier sheathing herself in layers of armor"
Symptoms of the Roman Fever included...
blackened gums, lethargy, decreased urination, and aches, boils on the back
Edinburgh was often referred to as "_____ of the North"
“They kept me in hospital awhile, trying to figure out how I lost me arm. I told ’em, about the man and the theater and the damp handkerchief and all that, but no one seemed to pay me any mind."
A tooth is implanted in this character
Lord Almont
"One of the first lessons he’d learned in the narrow closes and the tight hidey-holes of the underbelly of Edinburgh"
alliteration OR personification
Where is Hazel's father and why?
Saint Helena, serving in Napoleon's army
Body snatching was allowed as long as what did not happen
Things were stolen from the grave
“Some women have yet to learn that we enjoy looking at them more than listening to them.”
Lord Almont
This person is nosey and patronizing and is referred to as a "dreadful woman" by Lady Sinnett
Hyacinth Coldwater
"The terror inside her was a monster that turned her veins into frozen ice and her muscles to water."
The anatomy demonstrations take place at...
Royal Edinburgh Anatomists Society
This person studied the effects of electricity on animals
"How dull to make art in an empty room, a symphony gone unheard. And you’re one of the few who I believe may actually appreciate the gravity of what I do here."
Dr. Beecham