Point where two bones meet
What is a joint?
What is the study of muscles?
Heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries
What are blood vessels
Study of nerves
What is neurology?
Respiratory system
What inhales oxygen and exhales CO2?
The largest bone of the body.
What is the femur?
Parts of a muscle
What are the origin, belly, and insertion?
Main artery of the head, face, and neck
What is the common carotid artery?
Three subsystems of the nervous system
What are the Central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and autonomic nervous system?
What are the primary organs of the execratory system?
2/3 mineral 1/3 organic material
What is bones composition?
Allows for forward motion of the arms
What are the triceps?
Colorless by-product of plasma
What is lymph?
Sends messages from nerve cell
What is a synapse?
Reproductive system
What allows people to procreate?
Bones of the cranium
What are parietal, occipital, frontal, temporal, ethmoid, and sphenoid?
Serratus Anterior
What is the muscle that aids in breathing and swinging the arms?
Superior Labial Artery
What supplies blood to the upper lip and septum?
Facial nerve
Uses villi to absorb nutrients
What is the digestive system?
Bones of the facial skeleton
What is the mandible, maxillae-2, Zygomatic-2, lacrimal-2, nasal-2, palatine-2, turbinal-2, and vomer?
Set of four muscles that raise or lower lip
What are the Quadratus Labii Superioris and Quadratus Labii inferioris ?
Blood is re-oxygenated
What is Pulmonary Circulation?
Three branches of the tri-facial nerve
What is the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular branches?
Regulates reproductive system, hormones, and general health
What is the endocrine system?