The artery branches that goes to the throat, tongue, face, and ears?
What is external Carotid Artery
What are the names of the two sections of the skull?
what is cranium and the face
Each muscles has a what?
what is an origin and insertion
Aids is mastication by what?
What is lubricating food
Closing the lips or protuding
What is orbicularis oris
What is the largest branch of the external carotid artery?
What is the only movable bone of the face?
What is mandible
What is the largest muscle of mastication?
what is temporal muscle
What are the functions of the tongue?
What is
1. speech
2. swallowing
What does Cingulum mean?
What is a convex area on the lingual surface of the anterior teeth near the gingiva
Supplies blood to most of the head and neck?
What is common Carotid
What is another name for palatine bone?
what is palatine suture
Which muscle is responsible for moving the mandible from side to side?
What is pterygoid muscle
What are the causes of TMJ disorder?
What is
2. trauma
3.displacement or dislocation of the disc
What does Dentinogenesis Imperfect mean?
What is a hereditary condition in which the enamel appears to be opalescent and chips away from the dentin soon after tooth eruption
What artery supplies blood to the temporal muscle, masseter muscle, pterygoid muscles, and buccinator muscles?
What is Pterygoid Artery
The two sections of the maxilla are joined together at the what?
What is median suture
The muscles of the tongue are divided into what two groups?
what is intrinsic and extrinsic
what is attached to the floor of the mouth by the lingual frenum?
What is the tongue
A condition in the oral cavity with a white, leathery patch that cannot be identified as any other white lesion?
What is leukoplakia
List the 5 branches of the Mandibular Artery?
What is
1. Inferior Alveolar Artery
2. Mylohyoid Artery
3. Dental Arteries
4. Incisive Arteries
5. Mental Artery
What are the eight bones of the Cranium?
1. frontal bone
2. 2 Parietal bone
3. 2 Temporal bone
4. Occipital bone
5. Sphenoid bone
6. Ethmoid bone
Which four muscles help with facial expressions?
what is
1. orbicularis oris
2. buccinator
3. mentalis muscle
4. Zygomatic major
what are caries
A condition where two separate teeth are made from one tooth bud?
What is Twinning