Breathe out
What does the hair in your nose do?
It filters large particles out of the air you breathe?
How do you know if you are dehydrated?
Thirst, dark urine
Why did Jesus give himself as the sacrifice for our sins?
blood must be shed for the forgiveness of sins.
What are the top two chambers of the heart called?
Right and Left Atria
What are the three parts of the brain?
cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem
What do the nasal conchae do?
They warm and moisten the air before it goes into the lungs.
Proteins are made up of what molecules strung together?
amino acids
What should you do if you are bleeding?
elevate, apply pressure, get medical care
What are the bottom two chambers of the heart called?
Name the four lobes of the brain.
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
What happens in the alveoli?
This is where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
Vitamins A, B, C, D, K
Where are your blood cells made?
Red bone marrow
What is the mail artery that takes the blood from the heart out to the rest of the body?
Ascending Aorta
What cells in your eyes enable you to see color?
What is one danger of smoking?
cancer, raises your blood pressure, damages your lung
Where are minerals found?
Earth, lakes, rivers
What are the four types of blood?
A, B, AB and O
What is the name of the largest vein in the body?
Vena Cava
What are otoliths?
small stones in your ears needed for balance
What muscle is mostly responsible for your breathing?
The diaphragm
Which foods provide your body with Omega 3 Fatty acids?
dark greens, salmon, tuna, avocados, seeds and nuts
Why is it important to give people the right type of blood?
If the person's body recognizes the new blood as foreign it will attack the blood cells.
What are you hearing when you heart your heart beat?
Your heart valves closing between the atrias and ventricles
What is the pinna?
the outside part of your ear that you see.