How Many femur's does the human body have?
The Scapula is commonly also refer to as ______?
Shoulder Blade
You're Radius and Ulna is sometimes referred to as _____?
True or False the tibia is commonly known as the thigh bone?
False it is the Shin Bone
Your Humorous is commonly referred to as______?
The Upper Arm Bone
True or False the Femur is the longest bone in the body?
What are the 2 borders of the scapula?
The Lateral and Medial border.
In anatomical position what is more medial the Radius or the Ulna?
The Ulna
What is more medial your Fibula or Tibia
what is the Proximal end of the humorous connected to.
The Scapula
What is the more lateral Epicondyle?
The Lateral Epicondyle
What type of bone is your Scapula?
A flat bone
Is the Styloid Process of the Radius on the Distal part or proximal part of the bone?
Distal Part
Is the Tibia inferior or superior to the Ilium?
what are the 2 Tubercles on the humorous?
The Greater and Lesser Tubercles.
What is more proximal than the neck of the femur?
The Head
What region is the scapula located in?
The upper thoracic region
What are the bones that form the Elbow?
Radius, Ulna, and Humerus
What is the bump on the top of the Tibia?
Tibial Tuberosity
what is the most distal part of the humorous?
The Trochlea
What is the longest part of the femur?
The Shaft
Is the scapular spine on the anterior or posterior part of the scapula?
It is on the posterior part of the scapula.
What is the outer bump of the elbow that fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended?
The Olecranon Process
What is the part of the Tibia that is on the outside of the ankle joint?
Lateral Malleolus
What is the groove on the humorous called?
Inter-tubercular (Bicipital) Groove