Muscle that runs from the forehead to the occiput
both and endocrine and exocrine organ
located on spine between the transverse processes and the spinous processes
Lamina groove
origin site for the QL
posterior illiac crest
most superficial system
this muscle helps with stabilization of the SC joint and assists in inspiration
organ of inspiration
located just superior to the glenohumeral fossa
supraglenoid tubercle
the SCM attaches just inferior and dorsal to the ear
Mastoid process
system gets rid of waste in the body by filtering through the kidneys
this muscle located on the chest can act as its own antagonist
pectoralis major
used for the storing of bile
sreves as an origin site for the coracobrachialis
coracoid process
distal insertion for the brachioradialis
radial styloid process
Splits into two sections central and peripheral
Nervous system
Located on the temporal bone can elevate the mandible
the main function of this organ is filtration
located on the head of the femur a small hole
fovea capitis
the semitendinosus attaches to the ischial tuberosity and what
proximal medial shaft of tibia at the pes anserinus tendon
system for secreting hormones into the body
known as lats little helper
Teres Major
b cells mature into T cells in this organ
also known as the sits bone
ischial tuberosity
serves as the distal attachment to the abductor pollicis longus
base of the first metacarpal
this system can become tight and contract due to bad body mechanics
muscular system