(which wall)
Jugular Vein
Posterior segment, Landmark for BC, Contains air cells
Head Related Transfer Function
Number and shape of IHC
3500 - pear/flask shape
Impedance Matching is overcome by (3)
Area Ratio, Lever Principle, Buckling Effect
Eustachian tube, tensor tympani muscle
Anterior Wall
Most medial, One of the densest bones in the body, Houses the ME, cochlea, and vestibular system
Definition for HRTF
Gain modulation for incoming frequencies (Relationship between gain and frequency)
Number and shape of OHC
12,000 - tube/cylinder
Input does not match the output
Made up of the tympanic membrane and the lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
Lateral Wall
Temporal Bone
Function of HRTF
Aids in hearing and elevation location
Prestin & Stereocilia Kick
Aditus to the mastoid antrum, chorda tympani nerve, pyramidal eminence
Posterior Wall
Petrous Part
Provides the most gain (2)
One to many
Cochlear Amplifier
Process where the OHC enhances the IHC signal
Promontory, prominence of the HSCC, prominence of facial canal, oval window, round window, tympanic plexus
Medial Wall
Parts of the Temporal Bone (5)
Mastoid, Petrous, Squamous, Tympanic, Styloid Process
How much gain (respectively) does the ear canal provide?
~10 dB at 2 kHz
Many to one
Characteristic Frequency
Frequency that requires the lowest level of stimulation for that specific fiber to fire