Smorgasbord Mix
I am the long curvy, 8 feet long part of the small intestine, I am right between the duodenum and the ileum.
What is the jejunum?
I am highly concentrated in the saliva and begin working on the starchy foods from the mouth, before it even hits the stomach.
What is amylase?
My job is to take the large chunks of food and make them manageable for the body to use the nutrients and calories on them.
What is digestive system?
It controls operations in the cell, contains the DNA.
What is the nucleus?
This word doesn't mean that you are sorry, it means "defense" as you are making a defense for your point of view.
What is apologia?
The cells of my system are pretty special because they have more than one nucleus. Some of my cells are long like fibers, other smooth, and then the ones of the heart. That tissue has a special name.
What is cardiac tissue?
I am formed in the kidneys. They filter the blood over and over again, eliminating toxins and also reabsorbing important electrolites. Then, when I am all done, they storage me in the bladder, for future disposal.
What is urine?
I am the highway in which all good and bad stuff goes to move around the body. I have cells that carry Oxygen, other are the military defense of the body. They all drive through me.
What is the circulatory system?
I help pack things around so they are easy to move.
What is Golgi bodies?
What other job does the cilia or hair on your nose have, besides holding loose powder particles?
What is heating the air we breath?
I break, shake, destroy with acids so you can absorb later on.
What is the stomach?
I run through your body many times a minute, I do so many things, but transportation of the goodies or non goodies (CO2) is my main purpose. I get pushed with major strength by the cardiac organ.
What is the blood?
I am the "hanger" where all the other stuff hangs. I am the tough and hardy part of the body, without me, you will be a pile of blob.
What is the skeletal system?
I say what comes in and goes out, I also give shape to the cell.
What is cell membrane?
Pack red cells typed O negative, can be safely given to patients with this blood type.
What is all types, A+ and-, B+ and -, AB+ and -, O+ and -? Those cells don't have any antigen to hold any antibodies to cause a negative reaction.
I filter, and filter and filter. I need a lot of water to keep filtering so you are not full of toxins.
What is the kidney?
I am thick, slimy and hard to get rid of. When I am in abundance I can cause some serious respiratory problems. They call me buggers, but I prefer to be called by my more dignified and scientific name.
What is mucus?
I filter and purify the blood from urea, a very bad toxin. I storage all the bad stuff in a bag, so you don't have to be camping around the potty all day long. Drip, drip, drip...
What is the renal system?
I make proteins, when I am with the ER, we call it rough.
What is ribosomes?
We use this manoeuver to save people that are chocking due to food stuck in their "pipe"
What is the Heimlich maneuver?
I produce those pesky cells that battle infection, carry oxygen and CO2, the ones that stop bleeding, etc.
What is the bone marrow?
This liquid is the product of violent contractions that push food up the esophagus and out the mouth.
What is vomit?
My job is pretty much of air, or gases. I have very specific one cell thick walls to transfer the good oxygen in for the bad CO2 out.
What is the respiratory system?
I am the jelly like substance in which all these organelles float.
What is cytoplasm?
This very important muscle is the one that causes the lungs to open and close to receive and expel air. Some spasms on this muscle can cause very impertinent hiccups.
What is the diaphragm?