*Rotates the muscular process of the arytenoid in and forward
*innervated by the Vegas Nerve(x)
What is Later cricoarytenoid muscle (LCA)
*tenses, relaxes, adducts
*thyrovocalis and thyromuscularis
What is Thyroarytenoid muscle (TA)?
*two separate bellies that meet at the hyoid
*paired contraction that elevates the hyoid
What is Digastics anterior and posterior?
*Mandible to hyoid
*elevates and draws the hyoid forward
*if hyoid is fixed then it lowers it
*innervated: hypoglossal nerve CN XII
What is Genohyloid?
Name the paired cartilages
What is arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilage?
*known as interarytenoid
* single muscle
*pulls arytenoid muscle together to close the vocal folds
*innervated by inferior branch of recurrent laryngeal nerve: Vegas nerve
What is Transverse arytenoid muscle?
*Medial (internal) component of the vocal folds
*originates at the thyroid cartilage and attaches to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage
*innervated: Vegas nerve
*glottal tensor: thyroid and cricoid pull apart
What is thyrovocalis?
*one of the two separate bellies
*mandible to hyoid
*innervated by CN V (trigeminal nerve)
What is Digastricus Anterior?
* considered a tongue muscle
*elevates hyoid
*Mandible to tongue to hyoid
*innervates CN XII hypoglossal
What is Genioglossus?
*Shaped like a singlet
*only one
What is Cricoid Cartilage?
*superficial to transverse arytenoids
*origin- base of arytenoid, muscular process to apex of opposite arytenoid
* Vegas Nerve
*forms an x
*rocks arytenoids down and in
What is Oblique arytenoid muscle
*Lateral to each vocalis muscle
*origin: inner surface of the thyroid and attaches to muscular process of arytenoid
*Lateral fibers: adducting and lengthening
*innervated: Vegas nerve
What is thyromuscularis?
*one of the bellies that meet at the hyoid
*mastoid to hyoid
*active during chewing and swallowing
*innervated by CN VII (facial nerve)
*elevates hyoid
What is Digastricus Posterior?
*hyoid to tongue
*lowers the tongue or elevates the hyoid
* innervated: CV hypoglossal CN XII
What is Hyoglossus?
*largest laryngeal cartilage
*anterior surface = two plates
*joined at the midline at the thyroid angle:
^Males: 90 deg
^Females:120 deg
What is Thyroid cartilage?
*direct antagonist to LCA
*pulls the muscular process posteriorly, rocking the arytenoid put on its axis
*active during physical activity
*Vegas Nerve
What is Posterior Cricoidarytenoid muscle (PCA)
Intrinsic muscles of the larynx (6)
What is LCA, transverse and oblique arytenoid muscle, PCA, cricothyroid muscle, thyroarytenoid muscle?
*originates styloid process of temporal bone
*inserts into the hyoid
*elevates and retracts hyoid
*innervated by facial nerve
What is Stylohyoid?
* cricopharyngeus
*innervated: Vegas nerve
*laryngeal elevator
What is Inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
*cartilage above the vocal folds
*projects upwards from the origin at the thyroid to extend beyond the hyoid
*attached to root of the tongue
*during swallowing food passes over this laterally to the pyriform sinuses and then the esophagus
What is Epiglottis?
*Glottal tensor
*Rocks thyroid forward relative to cricoid
*Pars Recta- Medial component (small)
*Pars Oblique- Lateral component (large)
*Rocks thyroid downward rotating on cricothyroid joint
*contraction of this results in stretching of the VF
What is Cricothyroid muscle (CT)?
Extrinsic Laryngeal muscles (8)
What is digastric anterior/posterior, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, genioglossus, hypoglossus, inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
*originates at the mandible and attaches at the hyoid
*fan like muscle that forms the floor of the oral cavity
*elevates the floor of the mouth during the first stage of swallowing
*Innervated by the Trigeminal nerve
What is Mylohyoid?
Three unpaired cartilages.
What is cricoid, thyroid, and epiglottis?
* has a left and a right
*provides structure for on set and offset voicing
*shaped like a pyramid
*vocal process (anterior), attachment of vocal folds
*muscular process (lateral), attachment of muscles for adduction and abduction
*paired cartilage