Amount of phalanges in one hand.
What is 14?
The humerus is ______ to the pollex (thumb).
What is proximal?
What is saddle (sellar)?
The grade that Katherine entered this year
What is Pre-K?
The three divisions of the 2nd-5th phalanges?
What is proximal, middle, and distal?
This bone sits on the medial side of the forearm.
What is the ulna?
The expanded distal end of the humerus.
What is the humeral condyle?
Letter E refers to: _______
What is IP or interphalangeal joint?
The tip of the distal phalange.
What is the tuft?
The ______ is the expanded proximal end of the metacarpal, which articulates with associated carpals.
What is base?
Located at the proximal end of the radius near the elbow joint.
What is the head of the radius?
The deep posterior depression of the distal humerus.
What is the olecranon fossa?
Letter R refers to (BE SPECIFIC!!!!!!!!):
What is the 5th CMC joint of the right hand?
What is Lupus?
List the distal carpal bones medially to laterally.
What is hamate, capitate, trapezoid, and trapezium?
The small conical projections located at the extreme distal ends of both the radius and ulna.
What is the styloid processes?
The two shallow anterior depressions on the distal humerus.
What is the coronoid and radial fossae?
Proximal joint of the radius and ulna.
What is the proximal radioulnar joint?
The largest muscle in the body
What is the gluteus maximus or thiccc booty?
The tangential projection of the carpal canal is called _______ (HINT: it's a concave area or groove)
What is the carpal sulcus?
The large concave depression, or notch, that articulates with the distal humerus
What is the trochlear notch?
The second, intermediate arc found in a true lateral elbow position consists of ______ and _______.
What is the capitulum and trochlea?
The triquetrial bone is part of the wrist joint in that it is opposite of the ______ ______ (two words).
What is the articular disk?
Roxanne's first job
What is a data processor for National Geographic?