scientific name for red blood cells
what is the scientific name for WBC
what is the first step in hemostasis
vascular spasm
type A+ can donate to who
A+, AB+
high white blood cell count, can be acute or chronic, symptoms include fatigue, bruising, bone pain
how many RBC should be in 1uL blood
4.5-5 million
what is the most abundant WBC
what is a thrombus
blood clot- not moving
O- can donate to who?
all blood types
causes yellowing of the skin due to a high abundance of biliruben in the blood
what is the purpose of RBC
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
what WBC is responsible for moderating allergic reactions
what type of feedback is blood clotting
AB+ can receive blood from who
all blood types
when plasma protein concentration falls, tissue swell
what is the purpose of hemoglobin
binds to oxygen
which WBC phagocytizes large particles
what does the prothrombin activator do
converts prothrombin to thrombin
B- can donate to who
B+, B-, AB+, AB-
prolonged oxygen deficiency
what happens to the heme group in the liver (when RBC are destroyed)
broken down into biliruben
which WBC releases heparin and histamine
what stimulates the conversion of fibrinogen to firbin
when prothrombin is converted to thrombin
who can O+ donate to
O+, A+, B+, AB+
high white blood cell count caused by the EB virus