Name this bony sits on the medial side of the calcaneus and kind of sticks out...please hold I will present it in person
You must write out the answer for this one
sustentaculum tali
Name this boney landmark....all of the muscles that are innervated by the femoral nerve and share the same action of extend leg insert here?
tibial tuberosity
What are the 2 layers of a synovial joint?
- inner synovial membrane
- outer fibrous membrane
What is the myotome action for L4?
extend leg and dorsiflex foot
The deep fibular nerve has been cut and is no longer working...where would there be sensory loss?
1st dorsal web space
Name the nerve that innervates ADDuctor Hallucis?
lateral plantar nerve
Name this bony landmark...the adductor brevis and gracilis both originate from here?
inferior ramus of the pubis
Name the 2 Intracapsular ligaments in the tibiofemoral joint?
anterior cruciate ligament (acl)
posterior cruciate ligament (pcl)
This peripheral cutaneous nerve has nerve roots L2-L4 and is located in a small area of the medial distal thigh. What peripheral cutaneous nerve am i?
Obturator Nerve
The obturator nerve has been cut, would there be sensory, motor, or loss of both? Name what muscle group is affected by the obturator nerve?
Both: sensory-> small area of medial thigh
motor-> weak hip adduction, flexion, and extension
Adductor group and obturator externus
Name where the plantar interossei insert?
medial sides of proximal phalanges of 3rd, 4th, and 5th toes AND extensor expansion
Name the origin of the quadratus lumborum?
- iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament, transverse process of lower lumbar vertebrae
What action does the medial collateral ligament prevent?
valgus force
What is the myotome action for S1 and give the dermatome area for S1?
- plantar flex foot
- heel, posterolateral surface of leg, lateral surface 5th digit,
The superficial fibular nerve has been damaged completely, what main action is gone? Can you name where the sensory loss would be?
- foot eversion
- lower anterior leg, middle dorsal foot w/ medial 3 1/2 digits, EXCLUDING 1st web space
Name this bony landmark...most of the muscles that externally rotate the thigh insert here?
greater trochanter of the femur
Name the Rectus Sheaths and what they are composed of?
Anterior Rectus Sheath = external abdominal oblique aponeurosis and 1/2 internal abdominal oblique aponeurosis
Posterior Rectus Sheath = 1/2 internal abdominal oblique aponeurosis and aponeurosis of transversus abdominis
What action(s) does the ischiofemoral ligament prevent?
mainly excessive hip flexion, some ABDuction and rotation
Name the dermatome Space for S2?
Name a peripheral cutaneous nerve that has S2 as one of its nerve roots?
- posteromedial leg and posteromiddle thigh
- middle cluneal nerve and posterior femoral cutaneous nerves are acceptable
The lateral plantar nerve is cut, name the motor actions lost?
- abduction and flexion of 5th digit
- weakness of toe flexion
- loss of hallux adduction
- loss of abduction/adduction of toes
Name the insertion of the internal abdominal oblique?
- ribs 7-12, costal arch, xiphoid, linea alba, pubic crest, pectineal line
Name all of the muscles that originate at the ischial tuberosity? Hint: 6 muscles
- inferior gemellus, quadratus femoris
- semitendinosus, semimembranosus, long head biceps femoris
- adductor magnus
Name the 4 ligaments that make up the deltoid ligamanet?
posterior tibiotalar
Describe where the sural nerve is located and give its nerve roots?
- contribution of common fibular and tibial nerce
- posterior leg and lateral aspect of dorsum of the foot
The tibial nerve is gone, poof, doesn't exist at the distal thigh, knee, and down anymore...where does sensory loss occur? What muscle actions are hurt?
- sole of foot
- loss of plantar flexion, toe flexion, toe abd/adduction
- weakness of knee flexion