Origin and Insertion
attachment site
synergist and antagonist
Which is the insertion of the serratus anterior? a) Superior angle of the scapula b) Subscapular fossa of scapula c) lateral border of scapula d) anterior surface of medial border of scapula
D) Anterior surface of medial border of scapula
The lateral border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscle? a) Teres major and minor b) Trapezius and levator scapula c) supraspinatus and infraspinatus d) Rhomboid major and minor
A) Teres major and minor
What is the action of the Rhomboids? a) Upward rotation of the scapula b) Horizontal abduction of the scapula c) adduct the scapula d) laterally rotate the humerus
C) adduct the scapula
What is a synergist muscle?
A muscle that supports the prime mover
Which is a plane of movement that divides the body into upper and lower parts?
Which is the insertion of the triceps brachii? a) Olecranon process b) Tuberosity of the radius c) Medial epicondyle of humerus d) shaft of ulna
A) Olecranon process
What attachment site do the trapezius and deltoid muscles have in common? a) Acromion b) Lateral border of scapula c) supraspinatus fossa d) Sternum
A) Acromion
Bilateral contraction of the upper fibers of the trapezius will create what movement of the head and neck? a) Lateral flexion b) flexion c) rotation d) extention
d) extension
What is an antagonist muscle?
A muscle that preforms the opposite action of the prime mover and synergist muscles.
The palpable edge of which bone runs the length of the forearm? a) Radius b) Humerus c) Ulna d) Metacarpal
C) Ulna
What is the insertion of the Supraspinatus? a) Coracoid process of scapula b) Greater tubercle of humerus c) Lesser tubercle of humerus d) Angle of acromion
B) Greater tubercle of the humerus
which of the rotator cuff muscles attach to the lesser tubercle? a) Supraspinatus b) infraspinatus c) Teres minor d) subscapularis
D) subscapularis
Contraction of the lower fibres creates which movement? a) Downward rotation of the scapula b) Depression of the scapula c) Extension of the head and neck d) Adduction of the scapula
B) Depression of the scapula
Which muscle us a synergist with teres minor lateral rotation of the shoulder? a) Supraspinatus b) infraspinatus c) teres minor d) subscapularis
b) Infraspinatus
Asking your prone partner to hold his arms in front of him like superman is a good way to feel the contraction of which part of the trapezius? a) all fibers b) upper fibers c) middle fibres d) lower fibres
d) lower fibres
Which is the origin of the biceps brachii short head? a) Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula b) Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula c) coracoid process of scapula d) Acromion of scapula
C) Coracoid process of scapula
Which bony landmark serves as an attachment site for the brachioradialis? a) Styloid process of the ulna b) Head of the ulna c) Styloid process of the radius d) Head of the radius
c) Styloid process of the radius
To feel the middle fibres of the trapezius contract you could ask your prone partner to preform what action? a) lift your arm above your head b) raise your head up c) bring your shoulder off the table d) place your hand in the small of your back
C) bring your shoulder off the table
Which muscle is antagonist to teres minor in rotation of the humerus? a) infraspinatus b) teres major c) supraspinatus d) posterior fibres of the deltoid
B) Teres major
What bony landmark are you likely to grind along the deltoid pectorial group? a) Acromion b) Deltoid tuberosity c) Greater tubercle d) coracoid process
C) Greater tubercle
What landmark serves as an attachment for 3 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles?
Greater tuberacle
What resisted action could you ask your partner to preform to feel the contraction of the long head of the triceps brachii? a) shoulder extension b) shoulder abduction c) elbow flexion d) shoulder flexion
a) shoulder extension
The rhomboids are superficial to the erector spinae and deep to which muscle? a) Trapezius b) Seratus anterior c) Latissimus dorsi d) Levator scapula
A) Trapezius