This directional term means toward the head;Above
4 main tissue types
epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
secondary stem cell that gives rise to most formed elements
This enzyme found in the stomach chemically digests protein
This classification of burn results in blisters
2nd degree burn
This term is synonymous with ventral
This type of tissue is found in glands and ducts
simple cuboidal
How many antigens are on the surface of the red blood cell if you are Type AB-?
This structure is lined in smooth muscle and contracts to propel food down into the stomach
This structure is a mechanoreceptor found in the papillary region of the dermis and detects light touch and vibrations
Meissner corpuscle
What is required for active transport?
This is the only voluntary muscle tissue
skeletal muscle tissue
Known as the bleeder's disease
This structure absorbs water and forms feces
Large intestine; colon
This is the least deadly yet most common skin cancer
Basal cell carcinoma
hypotonic solution
these tissue cells of the nervous system make up the Blood-Brain Barrier
what is the 2nd phase of hemostasis?
Vasoconstriction- Platelets release serotonin which narrows blood vessels to keep from bleeding out
This part of the nephron after Bowman's capsule reabsorbs most glucose and amino acids
PCT-proximal convoluted tubule
This type of respiration occurs between the tissue cells and the systemic blood capillaries
Internal respiration
This body cavity contains the small and large intestine
abdominal cavity
The most abundant cartilage in the body
hyaline cartilage
What does the T wave represent on an EKG?
Ventricular repolarization (relaxation)
This organ is lined in transitional epithelium to expand as it fills with urine
These air sacs made of simple squamous tissue are found on the ends of terminal bronchioles