For most people, the dominant cerebral hemisphere is their __________ hemisphere
What is left
voluntary muscle tissue
What is skeletal
What are the two major cell types found in nervous tissue?
What are neurons and neuroglia
The nail __________ overlies the nail __________.
What is plate and bed
The upper midportion of the abdomen is called the __________region.
What is epigastric
Layers of lipids and proteins that wrap around an axon.
What is myelin
The skin is composed of an outer layer of epithelial tissue, the epidermis, and an inner layer of connective tissue, the dermis. Between the lowest layer of the epidermis and the top layer of the dermis lies an anchor layer called the __________.
What is basement membrane
joint found in the shoulder and pelvic girdles
What is a ball and socket joint
Myofibrils are composed primarily of __________.
What is actin and myosin
You turn your head to look at something over your shoulder. This is an example of __________ of the head.
What is circumduction
A myelinated nerve fiber is _________, whereas an unmyelinated nerve fiber is_________.
What is white; gray
Bones found within the axial skeleton
What are the skull, hyoid bone, thoracic cage, and vertebral column
Jared collapses during his 800-meter race. A medical exam finds that he has lost the ability to plantar flex at the ankle. What muscle has most likely been injured?
What is Gastrocnemius
Movement that brings the foot and toes farther from the shin is __________ of the ankle joint.
What is plantar flexion
What disorder involves an immune response that affects the myelin coating on axons throughout the spinal cord and brain, triggering inflammation and leaving scars?
What is Multiple Sclerosis
name of the bone for the 1st vertebrae
What is atlas
In a recording of a muscle twitch, a delay occurs between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds.
What is latent period