Protection, Water Barrier, Temperature Regulation, Vitamin D Production, Waste Elimination, Sensory Perception
What are the six functions of skin
Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac
What are the three types of muscle tissue
Neurons and glial cells
What are the two types of nervous system cells?
What is the main site of gas exchange in the lungs
Filtration, Reabsorption and Secretion
What are the three stages of urine formation?
Stratum Spinosum
What is the layer of the epidermis directly above the stratum basale?
The number of nuclei in skeletal muscle fibers
Cell body, Axon, Dendrites
What are the parts of the neuron
Muscle spasms in the bronchial tubes
What is bronchoconstriction?
What isi the basic working unit of the kidney?
Papillary Layer
Extensibility, Elasticity, Irritability, Contractility
What is the space between the axon terminals and dendrites
Gas exchange between the tissues and capillaries
What are internal respirations
What is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
Statum Lucidum
What is the skin layer found only on the palms, soles of feet, fingers and toes
a bruise
What is a contusion?
What are the deep grooves in the brain
The process of moving air into and out of the lungs
What is pulmonary ventilation
What is the outer part of the kidney?
Shock related to dehydration and infection
What are two major, life threatening complications related to burns over a large area of the body
attaches the Gastrocnemius to the heel bone
What is the achilles tendon?
Medulla oblongata, pons and mid brain
What are the parts of the brain stem
Two on the left and three on the right
What are the numbers of lobes in the lungs
One is the process of fluid leaving the tubules in the nephron and one is when it leaves the body.
What is secretion and excretion?