What are the 5 terminal braches of the brachial plexus?
Bonus - what roots are the coming from?
1) Musculocutaneous
2) Axillary
3) radial
4) median
5) ulnar
true or false: the illiocostalis muscle has a Lumborum, thoracics, and cervics origination (LTC)
what vertebral level does the sup. and inf. angle of the scapula line up with?
sup = T2
inf = T7
what are the 3 muscles apart of the deep layer of the anterior forearm?
Pronator quadratus
what are the ant, lateral, and post walls of the thoracic region
ant = sternum
lateral = ribs
post = vertebra/ spine
What dermatome does the superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve match with?
bonus - terminal branch does this coincide with?
C5 (deltoid)
bonus - axillary nerve
what muscles rock and tilt the head back in extension (3 main)?
rectus capitis posterior major + minor and obliques capitis superior
what are the shoulder complex joints? (4)
1) scapulothoracic
2) acromioclavicular
3) sternoclavicular
4) glenohumeral
what structures pass through the carpal tunnel?
9 tendons from 3 muscles
4 from FDS
1 from flexor pollicus longus
1 nerve = median nerve
how is the pleural cavity different from the pulmonary cavity ?
The pleural cavity are the spaced in between parietal and visceral layers of pleura. The pulmonary cavity is physically within the pleural cavity covering the lungs in visceral pleura.
How does the deep venous system differ from the superficial naming system (naming wise)?
The deep venous system DOES have a L brachiocephalic vein while the superficial only has a R brachiocephalic.
+ medial cubital venin connecting the basilic vein (medial/ ulnar side) to the cephalic vein (lateral/radial side)
what is the general rule when assessing the level of the spinal chord relative to the spinal nerve levels? at what point does the rule change?
Spinal cord level is always higher than the spinal nerve level
= C1-C7 is when the spinal nerve exits superior to the vertebral level
the rule changes at C8 nerve (coccygeal) where the nerve exits inferior to the vertebral level (C7)
What muscles is NOT the rotator cuff that performs the same actions as the latissimus dorsi?
teres MAJOR
what muscles leads to Lister's tubercle?
extensor polliucs longus
what is the significance of the messentary in the abdomnial region?
- allow passage of blood flow
- 'double' layer created by the overlapping of peritoneum
- create the greater and lesser omentum
greater = lower quadrants of the abdomen keeping the small and large intestine in place
lesser= upper quadrants keeping the liver and stomach in place
Where do the vertebral arteries emerge from distally in order to connect to make the ________ artery through the foramen magnum?
make the: basilar artery
What are the key ligaments of the atlantoaxial joints?
(many answers but 2 were really emphasized here)
- alar ligaments
- left resists right rotation and lateral flexion
- right resists left rotation and lateral flexion
- cruciate ligaments (cross ligaments)
- transverse ligament = hugs the dens and is crucial for the integrity of the AO joint
- longitudinal ligament = creates the center of the cross helping contribute to the stability and alignment of the AO joint
-> clinical relevance = laxity here increases the risk of spinal cord injuries
What muscle originates at the coracoid process of the scapula and has the nerve innervation of that of the terminal branches of the lateral chord.
Coracobrachialis muscle
nerve innervation = musculocutaneous = from the lateral chord
what bone is fractured the most and where is its healing gradient most beneficial for the patient-> distal or proximal pole?
scaphoid bone with the best healing/ blood supply at the distal pole
what organ is associated with the GI tract and is known as the largest lymphatic organ aiding in filtration and immunity ?
the spleen . . .
located posteriorly in the LUQ
what 'closes' the circle of Willis?
bonus - what artery 'base' is it branching from?
anterior communicating artery connecting the anterior cerebellar arteries
bonus - internal carotid artery
what are the layers of the back muscles and what muscles are included in each layer?
= latissimus dorsi + trapezius
= serratus posterior
intermediate intrinsic
= erector spinae
= semispinalis + multifidi + rotatores
what do you see when the ligaments of the AC joint are not functioning properly?
you see an extreme drop off at the acromion indicating a sprain at the ligaments
what joint is particularly complex at the thumb that allows it to flex/ ext/ abduct/ adduct/ and do opposition? Why?
CMC = carpometacarpal joint
for digits 2-5 the CMC join is a plane synovial joint while at the thumb it is a saddle shape synovial joint = this allows it to cross different planes more freely compared to the other digits
ex) 2nd and 3rd digit = almost no movement
ex) 4th and 5th digits = most mobile
ex) @ the thumb = crossing several planes of motion
what two muscles are innervated by the illiohypogastric and illioinguinal nerves in the ant rami ? What spinal root are they from?
transverse abdominus + internal oblique