How are muscles attached to bones?
Circulation out to the body and back to the heart.
What is Systemic circulation?
Cell fragments used in clotting.
What is the function of platelets?
What are the layers of skin?
The fast acting control that focuses on information processing.
What is the function of the central nervous system?
Maintain body temperature
Move skeleton
Maintain Posture
Guards entrances and exits
What are the functions of skeletal muscle?
Gas exchange at the bodies tissues.
What is the function of the capillaries?
Percentage of whole elements in whole blood volume.
What is Hematocrit?
What is the function of Keratin in the skin?
This part of a neuron carries action potentials long distances.
What is the axon?
These filaments are made of Myosin
What are thick filaments?
Measures the force of contraction of the heart.
What is Systole?
Carries oxygen or carbon dioxide.
What is the function of hemoglobin?
Produce vitamin D3 in the skin
What is the function of UV light in the skin?
This type of neuron is located between sensory and motor neurons.
What are interneurons?
These filaments are made of actin.
What are thin filaments?
Circulation out to the body to deliver Oxygen and pick up Carbon Dioxide.
What is systemic circulation?
Presence or absence of specific antigens on the Red Blood Cell surface.
How is blood type determined?
Sweating and goosebumps
These two divisions in the nervous system control the body during times of stress and during times of relaxation.
Resting Sarcomere-> Active Site Exposure ->Cross Bridge Formation-> Myosin Reactivation -> Cross Bridge Detachment-> Pivoting of myosin head.
What are the steps of muscle contraction?
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava->Right Atrium->Tricuspid Valve->Right Ventricle ->Pulmonary Semilunar Valve->Pulmonary Arteries->Pulmonary Circulation ->Pulmonary Veins->Left Atrium->Bicuspid Valve->Lt Ventricle->Aortic Semilunar Valve->Ascending Aorta->Aortic Arch->Descending Aorta
What is the order of blood flow through the heart?
Formed Elements=45%
Red Blood Cells=99%
Platelets and White Blood Cells=>1%
Stratum Corneum->Stratum granulosum->Stratum Spinosum->Stratum germinativum
What are the layers of epidermis in thin skin?
Depolarization to threshold->Opening sodium channels and rapid depolarization->Closing of sodium channels and opening of potassium channels-> closing of potassium channels.
What is the sequence of events in an action potential?