Extensor digitorum brevis
O: calcaneus
I: middle phalanges of toes 2-5
A: extends toes 2-5 at IPs, PIP, MTP
N: deep fibular
Unilateral: Ipsilateral side flexion, contralateral rotation
Bilateral: extends neck at AO joint, flexes cervical vertebra
Assists with deep inspiration
Sural (sensory supply)
Lateral aspect of foot
Spring ligament
Plantar calcaneonavicular
Spreads calcaneus and navicular bones, supports head of talus, main support of medial arch
What muscles extend the trunk
Erector spinae
Quadratus femoris
Semispinalis thoracic
Capitis: nuchal lligament -> mastoid
Cervicis: SP T7-C6 -> TP C1-C4
A: Unilaterally= SF and rotation
Bilaterally= extension
N: post rami of spinal nerves
Flexion (hip and knee)
Abduction (hip)
Externally rotation (hip)
What is innervated by anterior rami
Quadratus lumborum
What creates the greater and lesser sciatic notches
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Describe the femoral triangle
Borders: inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor longus
Floor: pectineus, iliopsoas
Contents: NAVL
Levator scapula
O: TP C1-C4
I: superior angle of scapula
A: elevates scapula
N: dorsal scapular nerve
Upper: elevate scapula
Middle: retract scapula
Lower: depress scapula
Together= upward rotation of scapula
what are the roots of the sciatic nerve
bridges acetabular notch
What muscles in the thigh have exceptions to the main nerve that innervate their compartment group?
Pectineus - femoral
Adductor magnus - hamstring portion innervated by sciatic
Quadratus Lumborum
O: 12th rib and TP L1-L5
I: iliac crest
A: unilateral= SF, bilateral= extension, reverse= hikes hip
N: anterior rami of L2-L4
Flex neck ipsilaterally
Assist with lifting ribs for forced inspiration (accessory muscle use)
What does the medial plantar nerve supply?
-Lumbrical 1
-Flexor hallucis brevis
-Flexor digitorum brevis
-Abductor hallucis
What does the plantar aponeurosis do
-Spans calcaneus to MT heads
-Protects underlying tendons
-Supports medial arch
-Thick and dense tissue
Name the different insertion points on the greater trochanter and the muscles that insert there
Superior: piriformis
Medial: gemelli, obturators
Antero-lateral: glut med and glut min
O: iliac crest, fossa, sacrum (iliacus), lat T12-L5 vertebrae, discs, TPs (psoas)
I: lesser trochanter
A: flex hip
reverse= flex vertebrae
N: femoral (iliacus), ant rami L2-L4 (psoas)
Erector spinae
Unilateral= side bend
Bilateral= extension
Saphenous (sensory supply)
medial and superior side of foot
Intervertebral discs - describe components and their main functions
-Annulus fibrosis (torsion/bending forces)
-Nucleus pulposus (distributes forces- loading)
What forces do the MCL and LCL resist
MCL- resists valgus force
LCL - resists varus force