The maxilla is an example of this type of bone...
The name of the cell that functions to build new bone...
The two primary movements of the atlantooccipital joint include...
Flexion & Extension
When does the process of bone development begin in the life of an individual?
The sixth or seventh week of life (as a fetus).
The alternate word for the word "joint" is....
The femur and humerus are examples of these types of bones...
Long Bones
What are the two methods in which all joints in the body can be classified?
Function & Structure
The two primary movements of the talocrural joint include...
Plantarflexion & Dorsiflexion
What is the difference between red marrow and yellow marrow?
Red marrow produces the cellular products seen within the blood. Yellow marrow represents former red marrow that is no longer producing the cellular products seen in blood.
The term "facet" literally means...
Flat Surface
The name of the type of bone(s) that are embedded in tendons is referred to as...
Seasmoid Bones
A joint that provides only slight movement is appropriately termed...
Amphiarthroidial (Ampiarthrosis)
The two primary movements of the atlantoaxial joint include...
Cervical Rotation (Left/Right)
What are the two primary functions of the skeletal system?
Provide support for the body's weight and to provide a structure of support for muscles to act upon.
The term tuberosity literally means...
Rough surface
This combination of bones is helpful in dissipating the amount of force the body receives from Ground Reaction Forces.
Short Bones
A joint that is uniaxial can be described as...
Moving in only one plane of motion.
The four primary movements of the hip include...
Flexion, Extension, Internal Rotation, External Rotation
Why would an individual who exercises regularly have thicker bones than someone who does not exercise regularly?
Exercise is a form of stress to the body, specifically the bones. The application of this type of stress leads to greater deposits of minerals.
The term sinus literally means...
Air Filled Space
Describe Wolff's Law.
A bone remodels based on the amount of stresses placed on it.
What is the proper term to describe the functional classification of the shoulder joint?
The five primary movements of the shoulder joint include...
Flexion, Extension, Internal Rotation, External Rotation & Abduction
Compare and Contrast the terms, "Open Reduction" and "Closed Reduction".
An open reduction occurs when surgery is utilized to help "re-set" a bone/joint if it was dislocated or fractured. A closed reduction is the "re-set" of a bone/joint if it was dislocated/fractured without the use of surgery.
The word "meatus" literally means...
Opening to a Canal