The hormone that stimulates increase in size and rate of division of body cells; enhances movement of amino acids through membranes;promotes growth of long bones
What is a growth hormone?
What is the posterior lobe of the pituitary?
Development of female secondary sexual characteristics
What is Estrogen ?
Located in the neck
Thyroid Glands
Hormone is secreted from the pituitary gland
What is Thyroxine?
A protein that promotes milk production
What is Prolactin?
Posterior hormones are transported __________
What is down the axon and through the pituitary stalk?
Steroid Hormone used to treat inflammation
What is Cortisol?
The thyroid glands consist of __ lobes
What is 2
_____ controls elevated blood calcium ion concentration ion in the body
What is Calcitonin
Emotional stress can either increase or decrease _____ and ____ secretion, depending upon circumstances
What is TRH and TSH
Produces the production of sperm cells
What is FSH ?
Converters of Estrogen and produce when a female ages
What is Androgens?
Hollow secretory parts called
What are follicles?
The parathyroid glands secrete _______ or ______
What is Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) or Parathormone ?
List all the hormones in the Anterior Pituitary
What is ACTH, FSH, LH
Age group is missing Gonadotropins in the body
Infants and Children
Cell receptors for each particular hormone and the hormone bind on the target cells
What are Target Tissues?
The follicles are fluid filled and store these two hormones.
What is thyroxine and triiodothyronine?
Hormone that is produced by the Adrenal Cortex
A peptide that controls the manufacture and secretion of certain hormones from the outer layer
What is a Adrenocorticotropic hormone?
List all the hormones in the posterior pituitary
What is Oxytocin and Antidiuretic hormone?
To suppress various allergic inflammatory and auto immune disorders
What is Glucocorticoids
What does extrafolliclular cells secrete?
What is calcitonin?
Epinephrine and and Norepinephrine are produced by _____
What is the Adrena Medulla?