The nerve that innervates the thoraco-abdominal diaphragm
What is the phrenic nerve?
Cells found lining the lactiferous ducts
This blood vessel supplies the lateral aspect of the breast
What is the lateral thoracic artery?
These nodes drain the lateral aspect of the breast
What are the axillary nodes?
This bone protects the heart anteriorly
What is the sternum?
The spinal cord segments that innervate the thoraco-abdominal diaphragm
What is C3 C4 and C5?
Lung with three lobes
What is the right lung?
This blood vessel penetrates the diaphragm immediately anterior to the vertebral column
What is the descending aorta?
These nodes drain the medial aspect of the breast
What are the parasternal nodes?
These bones attach to the thoracic vertebrae
What are ribs?
The muscle that assists in quiet inhalation
What is the external intercostal?
What is the left primary bronchus?
This blood vessel supplies blood to the right atrium
What is the inferior vena cava?
This is another term for "superior" that can only be used to describe body structures found in the axial regions of the body
What is "cranial"?
This little channel on the inferior aspect of each rib houses the neurovascular bundle
What is the costal groove?
The muscle that lies deep to the deep thoracic fascia, and the breast
What is the pectoralis major?
Place where the trachea divides into the R and L primary bronchi
What is the carina?
This blood vessel supplies the medial aspect of the breast
What is the lateral thoracic artery?
This term can be used only for the appendages; it means that something is more distant from the trunk
What is distal?
This structure is located at the inferior aspect of the sternum; it is cartilaginous in most young people but ossifies with age
What is the xiphoid process?
Nerves that innervate the breast and the intercostal muscles
What are thoracic spinal nerves?
This tissue lines the thorax and reflects back onto the lung surface
What is pleura?
These blood vessels supply blood to the left atrium
What are the pulmonary veins?
In this position, the palms face anteriorly
What is the anatomical position?
This notch is located at the superior aspect of the sternum
What is the jugular notch?