Cytology = ?
The study of cells
What are the 4 major types of tissue?
Epithelia, Connective, Muscle, Nervous
What are the main bone divisions?
Axial and appendicular
What are the 3 types of muscular tissue?
Skeletal, smooth, cardiac
What makes up the Central Nervous System?
Brain and spinal cord
What happens during Cytokinesis?
Cell splits into 2 daughter cells
Collagen is an example of what tissue?
Connective tissue?
The sternum is an example of a ____ bone
What is the muscle that provides primary force during an action called?
The agonist
The Meninges =
membranes between bone and soft tissue
Which way will the water move in a hypotonic solution?
Into the cell
What is one function of adipose tissue?
2) Insulation to preserve body heat
3) Store energy
What is the process where cartilage turns into bone tissue?
Synapse =
The gap between the neuron and motor end plate
What connects the two hemispheres of the brain?
The corpus callosum
What happens to cells during apoptosis?
Cells are signaled to self destruct
What tissue is found in the urinary bladder?
Transitional epithelium
Bone spurs occur ......
When the body grows small projections at the end of bones
What are the 3 different layers of connective tissue?
Epimysium, Perimysium, Endomysium
What lobe of the brain is responsible for understanding and decision making?
Right frontal lobe
What is a hemolytic reaction (hemolysis)?
It is the destruction of red blood cells
What are the two main cells found in the epidermis?
Keratinocytes and melanocytes
What is the difference between osteoblasts and osteoclasts? Which one is responsible for FOP?
Osteoclasts - bone resorption
Osteoblasts - create osteocytes (responsible for FOP)
What is dystrophin?
Protein located between the sarcolemma and myofilaments that maintains muscle fiber structure.
Path of a nerve impulse
Dendrite -> cell body -> along axon -> synapse -> dendrite