Hold relax is this type of stretch
Rotator cuff muscle which performs internal rotation
Plane of motion in which radiocarpal ulnar deviation occurs
Directional preference with HNP
Carpal bone which articulates directly with 1st metacarpal
This principle of training is applied when the exercise is similar to what the patient's usual demands are
SAID principle
Radial Nerve
Type of movement in which the distal bone of the joint is moving freely while the proximal bone of the joint is fixed.
Ligament that prevents posterior translation of tibia
Type of exercise where resistance is applied at various positions within ROM and there is no visible joint movement
Multi-angle isometrics
This phase of learning requires minimal feedback and the patient is able to problem solve the task with minimal errors.
Insertion of Levator scapulae
Superior angle of scapula
Arthokinematics of proximal radioulnar joint with supination
Most common direction of GHJ dislocation
Lesion of this nerve leads to atrophy of the muscle in the supraspinous fossa
The phase of cardiac rehab in which the patient is self-monitoring
Phase III
Action of Anterior Tibialis
DF + Inv
Dermatome covering posterior lateral leg
Fracture of the distal radius with dorsal displacement of the distal fragments
Colle's fracture
Type of feedback given about the outcome of performing a task
Knowledge of results
ICF model category that relates to physical impairments such as limited ROM, weakness, and poor balance
Problems with body structure or function
Muscle(s) of forearm that would be affected by medial epicondylar fracture
Force couple of the GHJ which helps maintain congruency of the joint and would prevent inferior subluxation
Posture that has adaptively shortened hip extensors and rectus abdominis, shortened intercostals anteriorly, and increased length of the lumbar erector spinae
Flat low back
Weakness/paralysis, swelling, redness, pain, weak/absent pulse can indicate what medical emergency
Compartment Syndrome