Name the 8 body directional terms and what they mean.
Anterior: front
Posterior: back
Distal: furthest from the trunk or head
Proximal: closest to the trunk or head
Inferior: below
Superior: above
Lateral: away from the midline
Medial: toward the midline
What are the three main areas of the cell and what do they do?
1. plasma membrane: forms a selectively permeable outer boundary for the cell
2. cytoplasm: living internal fluid
3. nucleus: cell control center; DNA is stored
Name the 4 main types of tissue and how they are different from each other.
Epithelial: open side, basement membrane
Connective: cells far apart, matrix in between
Muscle: branches of tissue, some with striations
Nervous: dendrites, axon, axon terminals
How many daughter cells are a product of Mitosis?
2 identical daughter cells
What are the 3 layers to the integumentary system?
1. epidermis
2. dermis
3. hypodermis
What are the 3 planes of the body and how do they split?
Coronal: anterior and posterior
Sagittal: right and left halves
Transverse: superior and inferior
What is the difference in functions between the Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum?
Rough: modifies proteins then packages them into vesicles
Smooth: synthesizes lipids and steroids
How do you classify/name epithelial tissue?
- layers
- types of cells
Simple: one
Stratified: many
Pseudo-stratified: nucleus on different levels
Type of cells:
Squamos: eye shaped, flat
Cuboidal: cube shaped
Columnar: long/rectangular
Transitional: all different shapes/stretchy
What are the 3 functions of mitosis?
What is the top and bottom layer of the epidermis?
Stratum Corneum
Stratum Basale
Point to and name all 9 facial bones, projections, and depressions.
(use diagram)
What is the final modification center of proteins and lipids?
Golgi Body
Name all connective tissue proper and specialized.
Proper: loose(areolar), reticular, dense, elastic
Specialized: cartilage, bone, blood
Where does the cell spend most of it's time?
What does the cell do during this time?
-prepares for mitosis, makes things needed for a new cell to be produced
What is the tissue that the hypodermic is made of?
Fat/adipose tissue
Point and name all 9 cranial bones, projections, and depressions.
(use diagram)
What is the difference between the two extensions off a cell; what are their names?
1. Cilia: short/hair-like
2. Flagella:long/single expansion
- locomotion
What are the main differences between the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal: straight lines, striations, nuclei on the side
Cardiac: striations are web-like, nuclei in the middle, intercalated discs
Smooth: messy, eye-shaped cells, resembles CT
What is the process called when the cytoplasm of a cell is separated?
What gland is connected to the follicle and what does it do?
The sebaceous gland secretes sebum to lubricte the hair and skin.
a. Name 4 projections and 2 depressions.
b. What does the axial skeleton consist of?
c. Ho many cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are there?
a. (use list)
b. cranial bones, vertebral column, sacrum, coccyx
c. 7,12,5
Sacrum: 5 fused
Coccyx: 4 fused
Follow the process of protein synthesis throughout the cell.
- starting at where ribosomes are made
1. ribosomes are made in the nucleolus/Begin
2. genes are taken out of the nucleus by mRNA and taken into the ribosomes
3. ribosomes are protein factories
4. rough ER the modifies and repackages
5. Golgi body sorts and repackages/Final
Neurons: sends electric impulses
Glial cells: support neurons
What are the 4 phases of mitosis and what happens during that time?
1. Prophase: chromosomes condense
2. Metaphase: chromosomes align in the center
3. Anaphase: chromosomes are pulled away from the middle by spindle fibers
4. Telophase: separate cell nuclei form
What parts of the integumentary system have blood supply?