Sagittal Plane
types of movement, name of axis, and how the plane divides the body (vertical or horizontal and into what parts)
What are flexion & extension, mediolateral axis, and vertical plane divided into right & left?
three types of joints, five types of bone, four types of tissue, four types of connective tissue, three types of cartilage
What are fibrous cartilaginous synovial, long short sesamoid irregular flat, epithelium connective muscle nervous, CTproper bone blood cartilage, hyaline fibrocartilage elastic?
three types of contractions & four properties of muscle
What are concentric, isometric, eccentric & excitability, extensibility, elasticity, contractibility?
anterior pelvic bones
What are ASIS, AIIS, ischial tuberosity, iliac crest, pubic bones?
The standing leg vs the moving/gesture leg (in terms of chain)
Frontal Plane
types of movement, name of axis, and how the plane divides the body (vertical or horizontal and into what parts)
What are abduction & adduction, anteroposterior axis, and vertical plane divided into front & back?
Skeletal functions
What are protection of organs, support to maintain posture, point of attachment for muscles, mineral storage?
active insufficiency vs passive insufficiency
What is muscle is contracted until it can no longer contract vs muscle is stretched until it can no longer stretch?
type of joint and cartilage for SI joint, LS joint, and pubic symphysis
synovial and fibro and hyaline, synovial and fibro and hyaline, cartilaginous and fibro and hyaline
Definition of the labrum & cause of a laberal tear
What is the soft tissue that covers the acetabulum & wearing down of the labrum due to repetitive motion?
Transverse Plane
types of movement, name of axis, and how the plane divides the body (vertical or horizontal and into what parts)
What are external rotation & internal rotation, longitudinal axis, and horizontal plane divided into top & bottom?
Four steps of recovery from a fracture
What are hematoma (blood clots), fibrocartilage beginning tissue repair, bony calluses, and remodeling?
slow twitch vs fast twitch and what they are best for in ballet
What is contracts slowly, high endurance, adagio vs contracts quickly, fatigues easily, allegro?
two functions of bursa
protection of bony prominences and decreasing friction
Definition of a dermatome
What is an area of skin supplied with nerve fibers of the single spinal nerve root?
below & toward midline, above & away from midline, outward rotation of the foot, eversion of tarsals with abduction of the foot, lying on back facing upward, on the same side, relating to the back, toward the point of attachment
What is inferomedial, superolateral, eversion, pronation, supine, ipsilateral, dorsal, proximal?
Two types of uniaxial joints, two types of biaxial joints, two types of triaxial joint
What are pivot & hinge, saddle & condyloid, ball and socket & plane?
functions and types of muscle
What are protection of bones and organs, stabilization of joints, heat production, maintenance of posture, production of movement & skeletal, cardiac, and smooth?
Degrees of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, straight leg raise
What are 110-120, 15-30, 45-50, 25-30, 30-45, 40-60, 80-150?
6 deep rotators and distal attachment & pes anserine attachments
What are piriformis, quadratus femoris, superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, obterator externus, obterator internus, Greater Trochanter & sartorious, semitendinosus, gracilis?
The definition of osteokinematics
refers to bone, refers to cell, refers to cartilage, refers to new cell creation, refers to cell removal
osteo, cyte, chondro, blast, clast
The agonist and antagonist of bending the arm
What is bicep is shortening (agonist), tricep is lengthening (agonist)?
Label diagram (counterclockwise)
What are lumbosacral joint, sacrum, PSIS, coccyx, pubic symphysis, ischial tuberosity, acetabulum, pubis, illium, iliac crest?
3 hip biarticular extensors and their proximal insertion
biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus & ischial tuberosity