The Rubric
Scavenger Hunt
Mind The Gap

Which score has the most rows with unique criteria? (that are not shared with another score)



Where in the paper would you look to find the literature review?

Usually the literature review is either part of the introduction or part of the introduction


Is this a gap? 

"Despite the symptomatic potential, no scholarly film analysis of Big Hero 6 has yet been published" 

yes because it distinguishes this research from the related prior body of knowledge


Aside from introducing the research question, how does the introduction connect to the rest of the paper?

It should also introduce the significance of the paper or the implications, as well as the method, and set up the background information for the literature review. It may also include the literature review. 


What is the key difference between a 1 and a 2?

A 1 is overly broad and merely reports information that was already found, while a 2 attempts to describe a method but it may be oversimplified or nonreplicable and may not align with the RQ. 


Where should you look to find the Gap in the research?

It's usually in the introduction or literature review (or sometimes in both places)


While there have been papers addressing the ethnic stereotyping in said films, there is missing research regarding the connection of these four specific films.

Is this a gap?



Does the research question have to be stated directly, or can it be indirect?

It can be indirect, but it is safest to state it directly. It doesn't have to be a question though; it can be a statement.  


What is the difference between a paper that scores a 4 vs. a paper that scores a 5?

Rows D & E

D: A 4 merely "supports" a new understanding with sufficient evidence, and either lacks a description of limitations or they are oversimplified. In contrast, a 5 justifies their new understanding through a "logical progression of choices" as well as explaining the limitations AND implications of the research. 

E: a 3/4 competently communicates while a 5 has "enhanced" communication through "design elements, conventions of grammar, style, mechanics, and word precision." additionally a 5 has "few to now errors" while a 4 may have some. 


Where is the Results section usually located?

After the method section, before the discussion/analysis section. 


Is this a gap?

"By using this system of organization for each of the different SPS, The researcher can determine what would be the best system for the UAE to use for its next solar farm. By sorting these systems into the various categories, the researcher will be able to better analyse the system they determine to be the ideal one for the United Arab Emirates."

no, because it doesn't fully distinguish itself from the prior research 


What is the difference between implications and limitations?

Implications are why it matters or how it will impact the world or the community of practice. Limitations are potential errors or gaps in this research that could have negatively impacted or limited the conclusion. 


"Felt’s and Alani’s studies indicate that there is a noticeable change in the relationship between end users and the Android permission system from 2012 to 2017, yet there’s no existing long-term research that has explored this trend of increasing user awareness. In this paper, I seek to fill this gap in the research using a technical approach similar to the Barrera, Felt, Au, and Backes’ method."

Based on this quote, would this paper receive a 3 or a 4/5 for row B? Be prepared to explain your reasoning. 

4 - it addresses a gap


Where in the paper are you most likely to find the limitations of the research project?

Usually this is in the discussion / analysis section or the conclusion, but may also be in the method section. (in the Macrotermes paper it was in the literature review/introduction). 


Is this a gap?

"After reading an extensive amount of literature regarding this topic, I finalized my research question to state: "Is there a difference in word choice between the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times in reports on Harvey Weinstein and Brett Kavanaugh's assault allegations?". This research fulfills the need for a study done on a specific case of media bias from two particular sources."

no, because other people have studied this just less specifically 


How would a researcher justify a method?

Cite a credible source either 

- as a comparison (i.e. it used the same method to answer a similar type of question) 


- it explains why this method is useful for this type of research 


"It would be advantageous to research the media bias in reporting of particular landmark cases throughout the #MeToo movement from a given newspaper. "

Based on this quote, would this paper score a 3 or a 4/5 for row A?

a 3 because the question does not have narrow enough parameters 


Where in the paper are you most likely to find the implications of the research?

The introduction or conclusion (and abstract, if there is one). It might also be in the discussion or analysis section. 


Is this a gap? 

"It is evident that the neuroscience of creative individuals has been explored, the connection of mental illness and creativity has been examined, and neural structures of those suffering from mental illness have been studied. However, by compiling data and details from the above studies and related experiments, one can gain a fuller understanding of how mental illness, creativity, and neuroscience interweave and affect each other (or not)" (p. 7).

yes because while the individual topics have been studied before, this paper seeks to find new connections between them. 


How can you easily identify the gap?

Look for a statement like "prior research says... however further research (like mine) is needed for.."