Articular cavity filled with synovial fluid
What is a synovial joint
subcutaneous fat is found in this layer of the skin
What is the hypodermis
origin: lateral epicondyle, insertion: extensor hood
What is the Extensor Digitorum?
This muscle makes up the intermediate layer
What is the flexor digitorum superficialis
these are the carpal bones from proximal row to distal row, radial to ulnar side
Proximal: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, Distal: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
The type of joint between the axis and atlas
sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles are found in this layer of the skin
What is the dermis
this small muscle, originating from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, aides in elbow extension
What is the Anconeous (Bonus: what upper arm muscle extends the elbow)
all forearm flexor muscles are innervated by the median nerve EXCEPT this muscle
Flexor carpi ulnaris, 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus
these vessels come off the superficial arch in the hand
common digital arteries to proper digital arteries
(Bonus: where about on the hand does this arch lie?)
Contraction of muscle at a constant length
What is isometric muscle contraction
blood vessels and nerves are found in this layer of the skin
What is the dermis
these muscles supinate the forearm
Brachioradialis, Supinator (Bonus, which upper arm muscles assist in supination)
these 4 muscles pronate the forearm
What is the Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus,
the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon inserts at the____joint, and the flexor digitorum profundus tendon inserts at the ____joint
Proximal Interphalangeal joint (PIP), distal interphalangeal joint (DIP)
Joint where one bone is oval and convex, the other bone surface is concave
What is a condyloid or saddle joint (Bonus: give an example of each)
this burn damages the epidermis and dermis
What is a second degree burn
Name the 5 deep muscles of the forearm extensors
Supinator, Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis, extensor indicis*
these structures lie OUTSIDE the flexor retinaculum
these muscles adduct and flex the MCP joint, and extend IP joints
What are the Palmar interossei (PAD)(Bonus: what is the name of the muscles that Abduct and flex the MCP joint, and extend IP joints?)
A chain of motion where movement is restricted and distal end is fixed
What is Closed Chain (a kinematic chain)
this type of burn destroys the epidermis and the dermis
What is a third degree burn (Bonus: what else can be damaged?)
Name the 6 superficial muscles of the forearm extensors
Brachioradialis, Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris
these 9 structures lie within the carpal tunnel (flexor retinaculum)
What is tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis (4 tendons), flexor digitorum profundus (4 tendons) and the median nerve
all the hand muscles are innervated by the median nerve except for these 4
LOAF: Lumbricals 1+2, Opponens pollicis, Abductor pollicis brevis, Flexor pollicis brevis (superficial head)