This muscle attaches to the talus.
Trick question! There are no muscular attachments to the navicular.
This is the most commonly injured ligament.
What is the ATFL?
A slap gait is caused by weakness in this muscle group.
What are the dorsiflexors?
Average clinical amount of STJ motion.
25-30 degrees inversion, 5-10 degrees eversion. 2:1 ratio inversion to eversion.
This is Binghamton's local minor league baseball team name.
What is the Rumble Ponies?
This is the latest bone to ossify in the foot.
The navicular at 3 years.
The attachments of the spring ligament.
What are the Sustentaculum tali, medial-plantar navicular?
The most common cause of adult acquired flat foot.
What is PTTD?
Most commonly affected joint in charcot.
What is the lisfranc joint?
In bowling, a turkey occurs when a bowler does this.
What is 3 strikes in a row?
What is 15-20% of body weight?
These ligaments make up the deltoid ligament.
What are the Anterior Tibiotalar Ligament, Posterior Tibiotalar Ligament (deep), Tibiocalcaneal Ligament, and Tibionavicular Ligament (superficial)?
Explain how the silfverskiold test works.
It measures the dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle joint with knee extended and flexed to 90 degrees. If you have increased dorsiflexion with a flexed knee then the contracture is coming from the gastroc. If no change, the contracture is from the gastroc and soleus.
Most common joint of nonunion in triple arthrodesis.
What is the TN joint?
Name a dwarf from The Hobbit. 1000 pts if you can name all 13. Hint: Bilbo is not a dwarf.
Who are kili, Fili, Balin, Dwalin, Thorin, Gloin, Oin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Ori, Nori?
The definition of Sharpey's fibers.
What are a matrix of connective tissue connecting periosteum to bone?
This is the strongest syndesmotic ligament.
What is the PITFL?
Name the muscles of the 2nd plantar layer of the foot. (including extrinsic muscles)
What are the quadratus plantae, lumbricals, FHL, FDL?
When reading an AP radiograph of the ankle, you should see this amount of tibiofibular overlap.
What is >6mm of overlap?
This is the longest running sitcom.
What is the The Simpson's, 33 years?
Name the 3 blood supply's to bones.
Ways to diagnose Lisfranc ligament injuries. Name 4 things.
What are the fleck sign, contralateral radiographs, piano key sign, CT/MRI, diastasis of 2nd met and 1st met, 2nd met doesn't line up with intermediate cuneiform, bruising plantarly?
Name the order of muscle involvement in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
What are plantar intrinsics, tibialis anterior, EDL, EHL, peroneus brevis?
Clinical and radiographic grade 2 findings for hallux rigidus. (include amount of DF, degree of pain)
What are periarticular osteophytes/sclerosis, mild-moderate joint narrowing, 10-30 degrees of DF? Pain at end range of motion, moderate to severe pain?
State bird of New York.
What is the Eastern Bluebird?