bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms
What is Anatomy
the organic processes or functions in an organism or in any of its parts.
What is Physiology
Largest bone in the human body
What is Femur
Females reproductive hormone that is produced by the ovaries
What is estrogen
The site of gas exchange within the lungs
What is alveoli
The largest bone in the arm
What is Humerus
Where does fertilization of the egg occur
What is Fallopian tubes
Bones responsible for balance and support
What is Ankle and foot
system that keeps blood flowing
What is Circulatory System
inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes
What is bronchitis
Bone found on the thumb side of the forearm
What is radius
largest system in the human body
What is Integumentary system
Largest artery in the body
What is Aorta
The only artery that carries de-oxygenated blood
What is the Pulmonary artery
breathing in air
What is inspiration
Bone known as the shoulder blade
What is Scapula
Insulin is produced by this organ
What is the pancreas
The main constitute of hemoglobin is
What is Iron
The tissue in the left ventricle is thicker than the tissue in the right ventricle to allow for
What is systemic circulation
exhaling air
What is expiration
Which organ has the primary role of detoxification of the body from substances such as medications?
What is the liver
the hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics
What is testosterone
Bone that forms the front portion of the skull
What is frontal bone
system that releases enzymes
What is endocrine system
left over air left in the lungs after expiration
What is residual volume