The Muscular System
Muscles of the Scalp, Face, & Neck
The Nervous System
The Circulatory System
Additional Systems

The muscular system consists of how many large and small muscles?

A. Over 200

B. Over 600

C. Over 1,000

D. Over 1,200


Which muscle is the front portion of the epicranius that draws the scalp forward and causes wrinkles across the forehead?

A. Occipitalis

B. Frontalis

C. Orbicularis Oculi

D. Corrugator


How many pairs of spinal nerves extend from the spinal cord and are distributed to the muscles and skin of the trunk and limbs?

A. 29

B. 15

C. 31

D. 55


Which system consists of the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins for the circulation and distribution of blood throughout the body?

A. The Circulatory System

B. Blood Vascular System

C. Lymph Vascular System


The function of the __________ system is to protect the body from disease by developing immunities, to destroy disease-causing microorganisms, and to drain tissue spaces of excess interstitial fluids in the blood.

A. Respiratory

B. Endocrine

C. Excretory

D. Lymphatic-Immune


The muscular system relies on which two other systems for its activities and proper operation?

A. Integumentary & Muscular

B. Endocrine & Excretory

C. Circulatory & Respiratory

D. Skeletal & Nervous


Which muscle allows movement of the shoulders and covers the back of the neck?

A. Masseter

B. Triangularis

C. Mentalis

D. Trapezius


What type of nerves carry impulses or messages from sense organs to the brain, where sensations of touch, cold, heat, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and pain are experienced?

A. Mixed Nerves

B. Sensory Nerves

C. Motor Nerves


What are the minute, thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries with the veins?

A. Capillaries

B. Arteries

C. Veins

D. Red Blood Cells


Which of the following does not play a crucial role in the Excretory System?

A. The Kidneys excretes urine

B. The Heart excretes blood

C. The Lungs exhale carbon dioxide

D. The Skin eliminates perspiration


A muscle has 3 parts: origin, insertion, and....?

A. Belly

B. Tissue

C. Bone


Which muscle extends along the side of the chin and draws down the corner of the mouth?

A. Triangularis

B. Auricularis Superior

C. Procerus

D. Risorius


Which is the largest of the cranial nerves?

A. 5th

B. 7th

C. 11th

D. Spinal Nerve


Which arteries are the main sources of the blood supply to the head, face, and neck?

A. Interal Carotid Artery

B. External Carotid Artery

C. Common Carotid Artery


Which system consists of a group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual function, and health of the entire body?

A. The Digestive System

B. The Respiratory System

C. The Endocrine System

D. The Lymphatic-Immune System


Which part of the muscle refers to the more movable attachment,such as the ends of muscles, attached to other movable muscles, to movable bones, or to the skin?

A. Origin

B. Belly

C. Insertion


Which muscle covers the top of the nose, depresses the eyebrow, and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose?

A. Zygomaticus

B. Auricularis Superior

C. Procerus

D. Corrugator


Which cervical nerve is located in the back of the head and affects the scalp as far up as the top of the head?

A. Cervical Cutaneous Nerve

B. Smaller Occipital Nerve

C. Greater Auricular Nerve

D. Greater Occipital Nerve


_______ are much smaller than the red blood cells and also formed in the red bone marrow.

A. Plasma

B. White Blood Cells

C. Platelets 


How long does the digestive process take to complete?

A. 6 Hours

B. 9 Hours

C. 13 Hours

D. 4 Hours 


Muscular tissue may be stimulated by any of the following methods, except...

A. Smell

B. Massage

C. Moist Heat

D. Chemicals


Which muscle extends from the collar and chest bones to the temporal bone in back of the ear and bends and rotates the head?

A. Sternocleidomastoideus

B. Trapezius

C. Auricularis Anterior

D. Buccinator


Which cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve?

A. 11th

B. 7th

C. Spinal Nerve

D. 5th


The average adult has how many pints of blood in their system?

A. 8 to 10

B. 16 to 18

C. 6 to 8

D. 10 to 12


What are the spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells into which the inhaled air penetrates and the oxygen it contains is exchanged for carbon dioxide during one breathing cycle?

A. The Diaphragm

B. The Glands

C. The Lymphs

D. The Lungs