Part Below another part, or toward the feet
What is "Inferior"
Action Flexor
What is "Flexor Carpi Ulnaris"
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that seperates the thoracic and pelvic cavities
What is "False"
Abducts the Upper arm
What is "Deltiod"
Extends the foot
What is "Soleus"
Away from the midline, out to the sides
What is "Lateral"
What is "Location"
The intercostals are found between the ribs and help us breathe
What is "true"
Anterior part of the chest
What is "Pectoralis major"
Abducts and rotates the thigh
What is "Gluteus Medius"
Frontal/ Ventral
What is "Anterior"
Triceps Brachii
What is "raises the body"
The external oblique flexes the spinal column and compresses the abdominal cavity
What is "true"
Moves the shoulder, extends the head
What is "Trapezius"
Extends the femur
What is "Gluteus Maximus"
Plane that divides the body anterior and poterior portions
What is "Coronal"
Gluteus Maximus
What is "Size or shape"
The rectus abdominus is used when doing sit-ups. It compresses the abdomen
What is "true"
Extends from the anterior and posterior forearm to the hand
What is "Extensor & Flexor carpi Muscle"
Extends the lower leg
What is "Rectus Femoris"
Plane that divides the body into right and left portions
What is "Sagittal"
What is "Location"
The internal oblique extends the spinal column and compresses the abdomen
What is "false"
Moves scapula forward and helps to raise the arm
What is "Serratus"
Supports the arches
What is "Peroneus"