Studying different body part structures and how they relate to each other.
What is anatomy?
There are these many main categories of body planes.
What is the number 3?
Toward the head or upper part of the body.
What is superior?
There are these many main categories of anatomical subdivisions.
What is the number 3?
There are these many main categories of body systems.
What is the number 11?
Study of how those structures function to support life.
What is physiology?
A cut divides the body or body structure into left and right halves.
What is sagittal plane?
Toward or at the back of the body.
What is posterior?
The study of cells.
What is cytology?
Hair, skin, and nails.
What is the integumentary system?
The standard position with palms facing forward, body erect, and feet slightly apart while facing forward.
What is the anatomical position?
A cut divides the body or body structure into top and bottom.
What is transverse plane?
Away from the midline of the body.
What is lateral?
The study of large structures that you can see.
Breaks down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed, stored, and eliminates waste.
What is the digestive system?
The flat surface along which a body or structure is cut for anatomical study.
What are body planes?
A cut divides the body or body structure into the front and back halves.
What is frontal plane?
Farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk.
What is distal?
A study that is a part of developmental anatomy.
What is embryology?
Another name for the lymphatic system?
What is the immune system?