A system that keeps the contents inside (away from the environment)
What is a closed system
A series of electrical events causing contraction(Systole)
What is Depolarization
When the heart valves close normally
What is Ventricular Stenosis
Random scribbles
What is Ventricular Fibrillation
Butterfly flight pattern
What is Atrial Flutter
A delay or complete blockage of SA node transmissions to the rest of the heart
What is heart block
A series of electrical events resulting in relaxation(Diastole)(RE-laxation)
What is Repolarization
An electrical problem that interrupts/alters the normal pathway
What is Cardiac Arrest
What is a normal ECG/EKG
Too many spikes/too fast
What is Tachycardia
A blockage of blood vessel going to the heart
What is a Myocardial infarct
A heartbeat faster than 100bpm at rest
What is Tachycardia
A neurological disorder
What is a Stroke
Scribbles where the p-wave should be
What is Atrial Fibrillation
Occasional double P-waves
What is 2nd degree heart block
A heartbeat slower than 60bpm at rest
What is Bradycardia
UN-coordinated atrial beating
What is Fibrillation
SEMI-coordinated Atrial beating
What is Flutter
Longer intervals between P-waves and Q-waves
What is 1st degree heart block
Big drop/too slow
What is Bradycardia
A flow problem caused by a blockage in the coronary artery(NOT the same as cardiac arrest)
What is a heart attack
A problem with the heart filling with/pumping blood
What is Congestive Heart Failure
When the heart valves don't close completely causing leaks
What is Ventricular Regurgitation
Inconsistent P-Q intervals
What is 3rd degree heart block