The 3 planes that divide the body into sections.
What is transverse, coronal (frontal), and sagittal planes?
Structures involved in the integumentary system.
What is skin, hair, nails, and glands?
At least 2 structures involved in the skeletal system.
What are bones and ligaments?
The 3 types of muscle tissues.
What is skeletal, cardiac, and smooth?
Structures that make up the central nervous system.
What is the brain and spinal cord?
The body position in which you are standing with palms facing forward.
What is anatomical position?
The outer most layer of your skin is what layer?
What is the epidermis?
The type of bones found in arms and legs.
What are long bones?
The type of muscle that contracts voluntarily.
What is skeletal?
The function of cranial nerve number 2.
What is vision?
The medical term for armpit.
What is axillary?
The layer in the epidermis which is called the "dead layer".
What is stratum lucidum?
The term meaning hardening of a bone.
What is ossification?
What is a isometric contraction?
The 3 main parts of a neuron.
What is dendrite, axon, and cell body (cyton)?
The body cavity that holds the cranial and spinal cavities.
What is dorsal cavity?
What is cutaneous, serous, and mucous membranes?
The three bones that make up the leg.
What is the femur, tibia and fibula?
The muscle that closes your jaw.
What is the masseter?
The part of the nervous system that is considered "fight or flight".
What is the sympathetic nervous system?
The anatomical terms for toward the front, toward the back, toward the top (on top of), and toward the bottom (below).
What is anterior, posterior, superior, inferior?
The 2 layers in the dermal layer of the integument.
What are papillary and reticular layers?
The order of endochondrial ossification. (Bones forming)
What is membranes, cartilage, then bone?
The muscle that is the antagonist of the bicep bracii.
What is the tricep bracii?
The leash of nerve fibers resembling a horses tail at the end of the spinal cord.
What is Cauda Equina?