What are the borders and contents of the anatomical snuffbox?
What is the extensor pollicis longus & extensor pollicis brevis? What is scaphoid bone, radial nerve & artery?
What nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the humerus? What are these muscles?
What is radial nerve? What are the triceps brachii?
What are the spinal roots for the lateral cord?
What are the spinal roots for the posterior cord?
What are the spinal roots for the medial cord?
What is C5-6?
What is C6-8?
What is C8-T1?
What artery supplies the scaphoid carpal bone?
What is radial artery?
What tendon attaches to the radial tuberosity?
What other tendon is formed by the muscle of this tendon?
What is the bicipital tendon?
What is the bicipital aponeurosis?
What is an important landmark of the posterior humerus and what are its important contents?
What is the radial groove? What are the radial nerve and profunda brachial artery?
What are the borders of the cubital fossa and its contents?
What is the pronator teres, brachioradialis muscles and the imaginary lines of the epicondyles. What are brachial artery, median nerve biceps tendon, and radial nerve?
Which nerve causes atrophy of the thenar muscles?
Which nerve causes atrophy of the hypothenar muscles?
What is median nerve or recurrent branch of the median nerve?
What is ulnar nerve or deep branch of ulnar?
Which artery bifurcates into the radial and ulnar at the cubital fossa?
What is the brachial artery?
What is the ligament that forms the roof of the carpal tunnel?
What is flexor retinaculum or transverse carpal ligament?
Which muscle is distally attached at the base of the thumb and serves as an abductor?
Which muscle is distally attached at the dorsal aspect base of distal phalanx of thumb?
Which muscle is distally attached at the dorsal base of proximal phalanx of thumb?
What is abductor pollicis longus?
What is extensor pollicis longus?
What is extensor pollicis brevis?
What nerve is being tested during the biceps reflex? What spinal root is involved?
What is musculocutaneous nerve? What is the C5-C6 spinal roots?
What nerve travels between the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles?
What is the musculocutaneous nerve?
The axillary artery changes names after passing the teres major border. Which artery am I referring to?
The axillary vein changes names after passing the same muscle. Which vein am I referring to?
What is brachial artery?
What is basilic vein?
What is the name of the ligament that is made up of two ligaments at the clavicle? What are the names of these two ligaments?
What is coracoclavicular ligament?
What are the trapezoid and conoid ligaments.
Where is the proximal attachment of the anterior compartment muscles of the forearm?
What are the muscles that flex the wrist?
What is medial epicondyle/common flexor tendon?
flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris and palmaris longus
The anterior compartment muscles of the humerus are innervated by which nerve? What muscles are in the anterior compartment?
What is the musculocutansous muscle? What are the three flexors (biceps brachii, brachialis and coracobrachialis)?
The radial nerve is a terminal branch from which cord?
What other nerve is a terminal branch from the same cord as above?
What is the posterior cord?
What is the axillary nerve?
What artery is located in the cubital fossa?
What is the brachial artery?
The ligaments of the radial head.
What are the anular and radial collateral ligaments?
Which muscle/s are located at the medial anterior scapula?
What muscle/s are located at the medial posterior scapula?
What is the serratus anterior muscle?
What is the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles?
What muscle flexes and supinates the forearm?
What are the biceps brachii muscles?
Which artery is located in the quadrangular space?
What is posterior circumflex humeral artery?
What muscle tendon is attached to the pisiform?
What muscle tendon is attached to the radial styloid process?
What muscle tendon is attached to the aponeurosis?
What muscle tendon is attache to the base of the 2nd metacarpal?
What is the flexor carpi ulnaris?
What is the brachioradialis?
What is the palmar longus?
What is the flexor carpi radialis?
What are the muscle attachments for the coracoid process?
What is the muscle attachment for the supraglenoid tubercle?
What is the muscle attachment for the infraglenoid tubercle?
What is coracobrachialis, short head biceps brachii, and pectoralis minor.
What is long head biceps brachii?
What is long head triceps brachii?
1. If the popeye deformity is completely ruptured at the supraglenoid tubercle, is the bicipital tendon still attached?
2. If the popeye deformity is completely ruptured at the coracoid process, is the bicipital tendon still attached?
3. If the popeye deformity is completely ruptured at the radial tuberosity, is the biciptial tendon still attached?
4. If the bicipital tendon is completely ruptured, what test is performed to diagnosis this tear?
1. What is the distal bicipital tendon is still attached and does not require surgery?
2. What is the distal bicipital tendon is still attached and does not require surgery?
3. What is the distal bicipital tendon is detached from the radial tuberosity and requires surgical repair?
4. What is the Hook test which is positive if you are not able to hook the bicep tendon because it is with the bunched up popeye deformity?
The brachial plexus and subclavian artery emerges between which to muscles of the neck?
What is the sequence of the brachial plexus pattern?
What are the nerve roots found in each the Trunks?
What is the anterior and middle scalene muscles?
What is Roots, Trunks, Division, Cords, Terminal Branches?
What is Superior Trunk (C5-C6), Middle Trunk (C7), Inferior Trunk (C8, T1)?
Which artery is in the triangular space?
What artery and nerve are found in the triangular interval?
What is the circumflex scapular artery?
What is the profunda brachii artery and radial nerve?
What is the name of the ligament at the scapular notch?
What is superior transverse scapular ligament?
What is a dinnerfork deformity?
What is garden spade deformity?
What is step-off deformity?
What is Tenting at the shoulder?
What is Colles fracture?
What is Smith's fracture?
What is AC sprain?
What is clavicle fracture?
What is Popeye deformity?
What is atrophy of the deltoid muscle?
What is wrist drop?
What is winging of scapula?
What is biceps tendon rupture?
What is Axillary nerve injury? Numbness of lateral deltoid is also part of sensory symptoms.
What is injury to radial nerve and may also cause weakness to medial triceps muscle if injury is at radial groove? If higher in the brachial plexus will affect all of the triceps brachii muscles.
What is long thoracic nerve injury?
What is claw hand?
Which nerve innervates the majority of the flexor compartment muscles?
What nerve innervates all of the extensor compartment muscles of the arm and forearm?
What nerve causes sensory numbness of the dorsal thumb?
What nerve causes sensory numbness of the lateral shoulder?
What nerve provides sensory innervation to the lateral forearm?
What is ulnar injury?
What is the median nerve?
What is the radial nerve?
What is the radial nerve?
What is the axillary nerve?
What is the musculocutaneous nerve?
What arteries anastomosis to form the superficial and deep palmar arches?
What is the radial and ulnar artery
What muscles are part of the flexor digitorum profundus tendons?
What are the lumbricals?