The head is ________ to the feet.
What is a stimuli?
Which body cavity holds the brain?
How many cell layers are in a stratified?
Two or more
What is the control center in charge of?
Determines set point that variable needs to be maintained
The heart is ____ to the skin.
What detects change?
What organ is in the pelvic cavity?
Reproductive organs, bladder
Name this tissue
simple cuboidal
Give me an example of negative feedback
Sweating, shivering
The bellybutton is ________ to the spine.
What is homeostasis?
The ability to maintain stable internal conditions even thought the outside world is ever changing
Name an organ in the abdominal cavity
stomach, intestines
what type of tissue is this?
stratified squamos
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
The shoulders are______ to the mouth.
What is a negative feedback?
The output shuts off the stimulus or reduces its intensity- cause the variable to change in the opposite direction, returning to its “ideal value”
The dorsal cavity contains what organs?
Brain, spinal chord
Bone is what type of tissue?
What type of tissue is this?
Nervous tissue
The fingers are _____ to the elbow
What is one of the MAIN causes of homeostasis inbalance?
The diaphragm is located in between which two cavities?
thoracic and abdominal
Name this epithelial tissue
Pseudostratified columnar
Median plane divides the body into what two halves?
right and left parts