Large muscle whose origin is the anterior surface of clavicle, anterior-lateral surface of sternum and costal cartilage of ribs 1-6
Pectoralis major
What is the iliopsoas?
Group of 3 muscles with common insertion and functions, Psoas major and minor and iliacus
What arm muscles has 3 heads?
Triceps brachii
The brachial plexus is comprised of what nerves?
radial (and axillary)
What muscles are considered Hypothenar muscles?
Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi
What small muscle is found deep to P.major and posterior to the clavicle?
What muscles is found inferior to pectineus?
Adductor longus
What are the muscles of mastication?
Temporalis, masseter, buccinator, lateral and medial pterygoid
What muscles in absent from 15% of people?
Hint: is the forearm
Palmaris longus
What muscle(s) abducts the 5th digit?
Abductor digiti minimi of foot
What actions do rhomboid major and minor take part in?
Adduction of scapula (common to both), downward rotation of scapula (major only)
What are the deep posterior muscles?
Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus
What is the small fusiform muscle found anterior to all gluteus muscles?
Tensor fascia latae
What muscles make the border of the cubital fossa?
Medial border: Pronator teres
Lateral border: brachioradialis
Superior border: imaginary line between condyles
What muscle in one of the small mutlipennate muscles? And where is it? Insertion and origin?
Flexor digitorum brevis, located between other superficial dorsal muscles, origin is the tuberosity of calcaneus and plantar aponerosis, insertion is the sides of middle phalanges of digits 2-5
the shoulder girdle includes what muscles?
Trapezius, levator scapular, rhomboid major and minor, serratus anterior, and p. minor
What huge fusiform muscle is found deep to Gastronemius? What does it do? Origin and Insertion?
Soleus, plantar flexion of foot, stabilises foot, origin: posterior-proximal tibia and fibula at the soleal line, insertion: calcaneus via Achilles tendon
What is the hamstring group?
Group of 4 muscles common actions are extension of the thigh and flexing the anatomical leg; biceps femurs, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor Magnus(hamstring part)
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
Compression of the median nerve
What palm muscle has no boney attachments? What is the origin and insertion?
Palmer's brevis, origin: palmar aponerosis and flexor retinaculum, insertion: dermis of the skin of medial hand
The rotator cuff is comprised of what muscles?
What do this muscles do?
Supraspinatus: initiates abduction of arm, abduction of arm
infraspinatus: lateral rotation
teres minor: lateral rotation of the arm
Subscapularis: Medial rotation of arm
Origin: ischial tuberosity, Insertion: Posterior aspect of medial tibial condyle, Function: Flexes anatomical leg, medially rotates anatomical leg, extension of thigh. What is it?
Abduction of the thigh, lateral rotation of the thigh, stabilising thigh joint
What supplies the anterior thigh>
What are the functions of the interosseous muscles (of hand)?
Dorsal: abduction of fingers at MC-P joints, Palmar: Adducts the 2nd, 4th, and 5th fingers at the MC-P joints