What anatomy impacts the results of OAEs?
TM, Middle Ear, Cochlea
What anatomical structure does the response come from in Pure Tone Testing (AC + BC)
What stimulus is used in tympanometry?
1000Hz or 226Hz tone
How are OAE responses recorded?
A probe mic is able to read small responses and measure them against the noise floor.
Patient cannot give reliable behavioral responses. Need to see if possible retrocochlear component to HL (confirm site of lesion)
What anatomy impacts the results of tympanometry?
Ear canal, TM, Middle Ear
What anatomical structure(s) does the response come from in tympanometry?
TM/Middle Ear
What type of stimuli is used when completing an audiogram?
Pure Tones
How are acoustic reflex responses recorded?
A probe in the ear canal measures the degree of change of admittance of the middle ear system to determine if there is a response present after a loud stimulus is presented on either side
To understand middle ear function
What anatomy impacts the results of acoustic reflexes?
Ear canal, middle ear, cochlea, AN, FN
What anatomical structure does the response come from in Acoustic Reflexes?
Middle Ear/ TM
What type of stimuli is used in ABR?
Clicks or tonebursts
How are responses in AEPs recorded?
Surface electrodes on the skull record neural responses evoked from auditory stimulus that send a signal to the amplifier to increase the size and to a computer for averaging
note any abnormal anatomy, signs of infection or damage to the TM, wax or other foreign body in canal
What anatomy impacts air conduction testing, but not bone conduction testing?
Ear canal and middle ear
What anatomical structure does the response come from in ABR?
Auditory Nerve, CN, SOC, LL, IC
What type of stimuli is used in OAEs?
TEOAEs: Clicks & Tone Bursts; DPOAEs: Two pure tones
How are results from tympanometry recorded?
A probe measures at what point during pressure sweep accompanied by a tone the TM has peak mobility/admittance.
Acoustic reflexes
Crosscheck with other tests to determine HL or assist in determining sit of lesion
What anatomy impacts OAEs, acoustic reflexes, speech testing, and AEPs that require auditory stimuli? (what do they have in common)
Ear canal and Middle Ear
What anatomical structure does the response come from in OAEs?
Why do we use speech stimuli?
To get a better understanding of how someone performs in the real world, how someone can perceive speech with adequate amplification, to gain a greater understanding of their functioning beyond their peripheral system.
How are results from pure tone testing and speech testing recorded?
Manually on an audiogram during a full hearing evaluation depending on a patient's subjective responses. SRT, AC, and BC are recorded as thresholds. WRS is recorded as a percentage score.
Pure tone/Speech testing
Obtain subjective measurements of current perceptual abilities