The middle layer of the 3 skin layers is the
Located in the on the left side of the upper abdomen
Stores and digests food and produces enzymes and acids that break down food
Part of the digestive system
Splits the body into top and bottom
Transverse Plane
The corresponding directional term to lateral is
Another name for fat (the scientific name)
The hypodermis (subcutaneous) layer is composed mostly of which tissue?
Adipose / Fat
Located in the throat
Part of the respiratory system
Splits the body into Left and Right
Sagittal Plane
The corresponding directional term to superior is
In which direction does the afferent nerve carry sensory information?
AWAY from the body TOWARD the central nervous system (CNS)
Cells found in the epidermis that produce melanin
Located in upper abdomen
Filter blood and remove waste
Balance body fluids (water) and electrolytes
Part of the urinary system
Splits the body into front and back
Coronal Plane
the corresponding directional term to posterior is
Nociceptors detect
pain & injury
Organs in the skin that produce sebum
sebaceous gland
Located in chest
Main artery of the body
Supplies the body with oxygenated blood
Part of the cardiovascular system
The nose falls in which two planes?
The upper part of the transverse and the frontal part of the coronal
The fingers are __________ to the wrist
Which muscles are attached to hair follicles that causes hair to stand upright, creates goosebumps and aids with thermal regulation?
Arrector Pili Muscles
Which strata of the epidermis is the outermost layer of skin that contains dead skill cells that protect the skin from UV radiation, heat, pathogens and abrasions (scrapes)?
Stratum Corneum
Located deep in the abdomen
Dual organ: Produces enzymes to help with digestion and produces hormones that control blood sugar
Part of the digestion and endocrine system
The heel of the left foot falls in which part of the 3 planes?
Back of the coronal plane
Left of the sagittal plane
Bottom of the transverse plane
The ears are __________ to the nose
What is the difference between the coiled sweat gland and the duct sweat gland?
Coiled produces sweat and the duct transports it to the surface.