These are tiny budlike structures located on the terminal ends of the presynaptic axon
Synaptic bulbs
This structure contains the thalmus, Hypothalmus, pineal, and the pituitary glands and is located in the center of the brain
Areas of the skin supplied by a single sensory spinal nerve
This receptor transmits a noxious stimuli related to actual or related tissue damage
This is a respones on an endocrine gland to a stimulus that moves hormone levels in the opposite or negative, direction; this movement brings hormone levels towards homeostasis
Negative feedback
areas of the skin supplied by a single sensory spinal nerve
increase the conduction rate of the impulse and provide insulation to prevent impulse leakage toadjacent neurons
a cylindrical bundle of nerve fibers extending from the brainstem, through the foramen magnum of the skull, and ending at approximately the second vertebra in the lumbar region
spinal cord
decreases blood glucose levels
secretes hormones that stimulate or inhibit release of pituitary hormones
subdivision of PNS that regulates involuntary responses such as activities or organs, glands, and smoothmuscles
emerge from the sides of the spinal cord
spinal nerves
impulse conducting cells and represent the simplest structural unit of the nervous system
connective tissue membranes that line the skull and vertebral column and surround the brain and spinal cord
receptors that detect changes in temperature
the place where signals are transmitted between two neurons or between a neuron and a muscle or gland
enhances and prolongs the physiologic effects of stress
epinephrine and norepinephrine
the term for the electrical signal transmitted along a neuron in response to a stimulus
nerve impulse
groups of skeletal muscles supplied by single motor spinal nerve
activates antistress and anti-inflammatory pathways
a protective involuntary but predictable response to stimuli that uses a reflex arc to exert its action
chemical messengers that regulate the physiologic activity of other cells
he largest portion of the diencephalon and relays sensory information to appropriate areas of thecerebrum
the clear, colorless fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord found in the subarachnoid space
cerebrospinal fluid
an organ of nerve tissues serving as the centralized control center of the body