The hemispheres control which side of the body?
Left: Controls right side of body
Right: Controls left side of body
What are the subdivisions of the Diencephalon?
Role of the Limbic System
Structures on medial aspects of cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon
Includes parts of diencephalon and some cerebral structure that encircle brainstem
What does EEG stand for?
What does the EEG do?
Records electrical activity that accompanies brain function
Measures electrical potential differences b/w various cortical areas
Expressed by malfunction in processing of sensory input, transmitting motor output, or combination of both
Cerebral Palsy
What are the Major Regions of the Adult Brain?
Brainstem (Medulla, Pons, Midbrain)
Cerebral Hemispheres
Name Functions of the Thalamus
Sorts, edits, and relays ascending input
Impulses from hypothalamus for regulation of emotion and visceral function
Impulses for cerebellum & basal nuclei to direct motor cortices
Impulses for memory/sensory integration
What is the role of the Amygdaloid Body?
Recognizes angry/fearful expressions, assesses danger, and elicits fear response
What are the Alpha Waves distinguished by?
Regular/rhythmic, low-amplitude. synchronous waves indicating "idling" brain
Define Cerebral Palsy and it's 3 forms
Group of neuromuscular disorders that result from damage to infant's brain before, during, or immediately after birth
Athetoid: slow, involuntary writhing hand movements
Ataxic: lack of muscular coordination
Spastic: increased muscular tone
What is the lateralization of the Cerebral Cortex?
Division of labor b/w hemispheres
Cerebral Dominance: one hemisphere is dominant in language (90% ppl- left hemisphere)
Name Functions of Hypothalamus
Controls autonomic nervous system (blood pressure, rate/force of heartbeat, digestive tract mobility, pupil size)
Perception of pleasure, fear, rage, etc.
Regulates body temp. (shivering/sweating)
Regulates hunger/satiety in response to nutrient blood levels/hormones
Regulates water balance/thirst
Where is the Limbic System?
Lateral to thalamus
Underneath cerebral cortex
Above brainstem
What are the Beta Waves distinguished by?
(14-30 Hz)
Rhythmic, less regular waves occurring when mentally alert
Define Headaches and its component
Due to dilated blood vessel in skull or muscle contraction
Can also occur when individual develops eyestrain from staring at computer screen for too long
Migraines: severe, recurring headaches that affect only one side of head
*Not disorder but can sometimes accompany diseases/ brain disorders
What are the functions of the Cerebral Cortex?
Motor: Voluntary Movement
Sensory: Conscious Awareness of Sensation
Associations: Integrate Diverse Info
Lateralization of cortical functions
Conscious behavior involves entire cortex in some way
Name Functions of the Epithalamus
Secretion of melatonin by penial gland
Regulation of motor pathways/emotions
Connects limbic system to other parts of brain
What is the role of the Cingulate Gyrus?
Expresses emotions via gestures and resolves mental conflict
Puts emotional responses to odors
Most output relayed via hypothalamus
What are the Theta Waves distinguished by?
(4-7 Hz)
more irregular; common in children and uncommon in awake adults
What is Degenerative Alzheimer's?
Progressive degenerative disease of brain that result in dementia
Key protons appear to be misfolded and malfunctions
Memory loss, short attention span, disorientation, eventual language loss, irritability, moodiness, confusion, hallucinations
Plaques of beta-amyloid peptides form in brain
Neurofibrillary tangles inside neurons interfere w/ transport mehanisms, eventually killing neuron
As brain cells die; brain shrinks
What do the left and right hemispheres control?
Left: Contains Wernicke area and Motor Speech area
logic, math, language
Right: musical/ artistical skills, intuition, emotion, visual-spatial skills
Both hemispheres communicate via fiber tracts and function integration
Which subdivision mediates sensation, motor activities, cortical arousal, learning, and memory?
What is the role of the Emotional and Cognition of the Limbic System?
Interacts w/ prefrontal lobes
Reacts emotionally to things consciously understood to be happening
Consciously aware of emotional richness in our lives
Hippocampus and Amygdaloid Body play role in memory
What are the Delta Waves distinguished by?
(4 Hz or less)
High-amplitude waves of deep sleep
When reticular activating system is damped as during anesthesia; indicate brain damage in awake adult
What is Parkinson's Disease?
Degenerative of dopamine-releasing neurons of substantia nigra
Basal nuclei deprived of dopamine become overactive, resulting in tremors at rest
Cause unknown, but theories include mitochondrial abnormalities or protein degradation pathways
Treatment includes L-dopa (dopamine precursor), deep brain stimulation, gene therapy