What is the difference of between compact bone and trabeculae (spongy) bone?
Compact bone is the external layer and Spongy bone is the internal.
If you fell from a tree and landed on a nail, what skin layers would it go through?
What is Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis?
Angular, Rotation, Gliding, Special.
What are the four synovial movements?
When a hematoma forms, fibrocartilaginous callus forms, bony callus forms, bone remoeling occurs are...
What are the stages in the healing of a bone fracture?
Attach the upper limbs to the axial skeleton & provide attachment sites for muscles that move the upper limbs.
What are the clavicles and scapulae?
Epidermis is damaged, Epidermis and upper layer of dermis is damage, the entire skins are damaged.
What is 1st-degree burns, 2nd-degree burns, 3rd-degree burns?
What type of joint is symphyses? Name an example.
What is cartilaginous - vertebrae pubic
What are the four sutures marks and where are they located?
Coronal Suture - between partietal bones and frontal bone
Sagittal Suture - between right anf left partietal bones
Lambdoid Suture - between parietal bones and occipaital bone.
8 carpal bones in the wrist
5 metacarpal bones in the palm
14 phalanges in the fingers
List types of synovial joints and an example for each.
Plane - wrist (gliding)
Hinge - phalanges + elbow
Pivot - wrist going up and down
Conodyloid - between metacarpal + phalanges
Saddle - thumb
Ball-and-socket - shoulder + hip
Name the two concave + convex curvatures of the spine?
Concave - Cervical and Lumbar
Convex - Thoracic and Sacral
thigh : femur, leg, and fibula
foot : 7 tarsal bones in the metatarsus and 14 phalanges in the toes